jquery Programming Glossary: aftershow
Jquery Fancybox draggable issue with Scrollbars http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10725866/jquery-fancybox-draggable-issue-with-scrollbars selector instead .fancybox wrap .easydrag You may use the afterShow callback to append the handler to it and afterClose to remove..
fancy box work with iframes in beforeShow function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10769151/fancy-box-work-with-iframes-in-beforeshow-function iv tried virtually every callback combo possible is on the afterShow method. this causes a jumpy transition of the width and height.. openEffect 'elastic' closeEffect 'elastic' autoSize true afterShow function var fancy this var h '.fancybox iframe' .contents.. fancy.width w fancy.height h 50 nothing outside of the afterShow method gives me correct results even beforeShow which is what..
Fancybox - add print function [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11485198/fancybox-add-print-function .ready function '.fancybox' .attr rel gallery .fancybox afterShow function var win null var content '.fancybox inner' '.fancybox.. ' ' ' 'html' ' ' win.document.close win.print win.close on afterShow fancybox ready This code uses the .on method in its delegated.. in the gallery. Also notice that now we are using the afterShow callback to get the correct index of the image we want to print...
jQuery event to trigger action when a div is made visible http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1225102/jquery-event-to-trigger-action-when-a-div-is-made-visible oldCallback oldCallback.apply obj obj.trigger 'afterShow' you can trigger a before show if you want obj.trigger 'beforeShow'.. .bind 'beforeShow' function alert 'beforeShow' .bind 'afterShow' function alert 'afterShow' .show 1000 function alert 'in show.. alert 'beforeShow' .bind 'afterShow' function alert 'afterShow' .show 1000 function alert 'in show callback' .show This effectively..
tinyscrollbar() does not function in fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12995511/tinyscrollbar-does-not-function-in-fancybox try initializing the tinyscrollbar using the fancybox's. afterShow callback. why because when you initialize tinyscrollbar at page..
Fancybox 2 title hover on gallery change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14185451/fancybox-2-title-hover-on-gallery-change if so. .fancybox .fancybox helpers title type 'over' afterShow function .fancybox title .hide shows hides title on hover .fancybox..
previewing php/jquery form in fancybox, then submit or return to form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16951784/previewing-php-jquery-form-in-fancybox-then-submit-or-return-to-form data modal true optional no close button etc. see docs. afterShow function bind click to submit and close buttons inside preview.php.. .fancybox.close close fancybox in any case on click afterShow fancybox success ajax on click ready Of course the DEMO at..
Multiple Fancybox 2 Galleries issue with “rel” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17032398/multiple-fancybox-2-galleries-issue-with-rel width 110px height 23px allowTransparency true iframe ' afterShow function Render tweet button twttr.widgets.load helpers..
Loading JW Player Inside of FancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8221253/loading-jw-player-inside-of-fancybox would need to load . Instead of afterLoad function Use afterShow function That will solve your problem. Here is a link to the..
Replace content of appended div in Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9795599/replace-content-of-appended-div-in-fancybox from inside the popup This is my code .iframe .fancybox afterShow function var toolbar ' div id tools LINKS COME HERE div ' .fancybox.. image while navigating through the gallery. using the afterShow callback option you could do document .ready function .fancybox.. you could do document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox afterShow function var toolbar div id 'tools' #appendContent div .eq this.index..
Jquery Fancybox draggable issue with Scrollbars http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10725866/jquery-fancybox-draggable-issue-with-scrollbars
fancy box work with iframes in beforeShow function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10769151/fancy-box-work-with-iframes-in-beforeshow-function i can seem to get the CORRECT values out of the content iv tried virtually every callback combo possible is on the afterShow method. this causes a jumpy transition of the width and height which are reset after it is shown. '.fancybox' .fancybox.. which are reset after it is shown. '.fancybox' .fancybox openEffect 'elastic' closeEffect 'elastic' autoSize true afterShow function var fancy this var h '.fancybox iframe' .contents .find 'html' .height var w '.fancybox iframe' .contents .find.. var w '.fancybox iframe' .contents .find 'html' .width fancy.width w fancy.height h 50 nothing outside of the afterShow method gives me correct results even beforeShow which is what I am going for . Is there any callback jquery combo that can..
Fancybox - add print function [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11485198/fancybox-add-print-function for fancybox 2 v2.1.5 as today and an image gallery document .ready function '.fancybox' .attr rel gallery .fancybox afterShow function var win null var content '.fancybox inner' '.fancybox wrap' append print button .append ' div id fancy_print div.. content.html win.document.write ' ' ' ' 'body' ' ' ' ' 'html' ' ' win.document.close win.print win.close on afterShow fancybox ready This code uses the .on method in its delegated form to bind click events to the print button for future elements.. to bind click events to the print button for future elements in the gallery. Also notice that now we are using the afterShow callback to get the correct index of the image we want to print. NOTE .on requires jQuery v1.7 See demo at http www.picssel.com..
jQuery event to trigger action when a div is made visible http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1225102/jquery-event-to-trigger-action-when-a-div-is-made-visible this .each function var obj this newCallback function if .isFunction oldCallback oldCallback.apply obj obj.trigger 'afterShow' you can trigger a before show if you want obj.trigger 'beforeShow' now use the old function to show the element passing.. obj speed newCallback Usage example jQuery function '#test' .bind 'beforeShow' function alert 'beforeShow' .bind 'afterShow' function alert 'afterShow' .show 1000 function alert 'in show callback' .show This effectively lets you do something beforeShow.. example jQuery function '#test' .bind 'beforeShow' function alert 'beforeShow' .bind 'afterShow' function alert 'afterShow' .show 1000 function alert 'in show callback' .show This effectively lets you do something beforeShow and afterShow while..
tinyscrollbar() does not function in fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12995511/tinyscrollbar-does-not-function-in-fancybox fancybox 2 tinyscrollbar share improve this question try initializing the tinyscrollbar using the fancybox's. afterShow callback. why because when you initialize tinyscrollbar at page load fancybox doesn't exist in the DOM tinyscrollbar will..
Fancybox 2 title hover on gallery change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14185451/fancybox-2-title-hover-on-gallery-change content as in this post .... then show the fancybox title if so. .fancybox .fancybox helpers title type 'over' afterShow function .fancybox title .hide shows hides title on hover .fancybox wrap .hover function .fancybox title .stop true true..
previewing php/jquery form in fancybox, then submit or return to form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16951784/previewing-php-jquery-form-in-fancybox-then-submit-or-return-to-form function data show in fancybox the returned data .fancybox data modal true optional no close button etc. see docs. afterShow function bind click to submit and close buttons inside preview.php .submit .closeFB .on click function event if event.target.. .is .submit #message_form .submit submit the actual form .fancybox.close close fancybox in any case on click afterShow fancybox success ajax on click ready Of course the DEMO at http www.picssel.com playground jquery postPreview_05Jun13.html..
Multiple Fancybox 2 Galleries issue with “rel” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17032398/multiple-fancybox-2-galleries-issue-with-rel no frameborder 0 style border none overflow hidden width 110px height 23px allowTransparency true iframe ' afterShow function Render tweet button twttr.widgets.load helpers title type 'inside' Here is a simplified version of my..
Loading JW Player Inside of FancyBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8221253/loading-jw-player-inside-of-fancybox there is no image or video inherent to the fancybox plugin that would need to load . Instead of afterLoad function Use afterShow function That will solve your problem. Here is a link to the documentation for further reference or future API changes http..
Replace content of appended div in Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9795599/replace-content-of-appended-div-in-fancybox another image Or better yet is it possible to append this div from inside the popup This is my code .iframe .fancybox afterShow function var toolbar ' div id tools LINKS COME HERE div ' .fancybox inner .append toolbar maxWidth 1200 maxHeight 550 width.. of each div and append it dynamically to the corresponding image while navigating through the gallery. using the afterShow callback option you could do document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox afterShow function var toolbar div id 'tools'.. through the gallery. using the afterShow callback option you could do document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox afterShow function var toolbar div id 'tools' #appendContent div .eq this.index .html div .fancybox inner .append toolbar fancybox..