jquery Programming Glossary: afaik
How to prevent double submit with jQuery in ASP.NET app with UpdatePanels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11342546/how-to-prevent-double-submit-with-jquery-in-asp-net-app-with-updatepanels with AutoPostBack true which submits using javascript AFAIK . From either of the above within an UpdatePanel in which case..
Requirejs domReady plugin vs Jquery $(document).ready()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15332628/requirejs-domready-plugin-vs-jquery-document-ready then why not provide one for Cross Browser ajax Update 2 AFAIK A module that requires domReady won't be fetched or executed..
FireFox warning “Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element 'hidden' ” keeps running over and over http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1836252/firefox-warning-unknown-pseudo-class-or-pseudo-element-hidden-keeps-running function to find the elements matching your selector. Now AFAIK is hidden not a valid CSS selector thus although Firefox supports..
event.preventDefault() does not work in Chrome and Opera http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18389046/event-preventdefault-does-not-work-in-chrome-and-opera tag etc. See http api.jquery.com event.preventDefault AFAIK you cannot programatically turn validation on and off. Once..
X-Requested-With header not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1846675/x-requested-with-header-not-set-in-jquery-ajaxform-plugin need to do this yourself appending a hidden input field . AFAIK you can just pass such data to ajaxForms plugin in the options..
JQuery in Rails is failing after linking from another page, works on page load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18623248/jquery-in-rails-is-failing-after-linking-from-another-page-works-on-page-load document to provide hooks into the lifecycle of the page. AFAIK Rails4 enables turbolinks by default and you have it in your..
jQuery cluetip('destroy') does not destroy/remove cluetip? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1950197/jquery-cluetipdestroy-does-not-destroy-remove-cluetip This really confuses me... Correct me if I'm wrong... AFAIK cluetip has 1 instance in the webpage and it exists in a hierarchy..
CSS parser/abstracter? How to convert stylesheet into object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2226869/css-parser-abstracter-how-to-convert-stylesheet-into-object file the only reliable way is to look at the file itself AFAIK. A reference for the stylesheet object is available here . ..
How can I differentiate a manual scroll (via mousewheel/scrollbar) from a Javascript/jQuery scroll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2834667/how-can-i-differentiate-a-manual-scroll-via-mousewheel-scrollbar-from-a-javasc out e the event object in Google Chrome's console and AFAIK there is not way to differentiate between a manual scroll and..
How to upload string as file with jQuery or other js framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3012566/how-to-upload-string-as-file-with-jquery-or-other-js-framework a boundary I stole this from IE but you can use any string AFAIK var boundary 7da24f2e50046 var body ' ' boundary ' r n' Parameter..
TextArea Caret Coordinates jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3510009/textarea-caret-coordinates-jquery improve this question The only viable way of doing this AFAIK Append the contents of the TEXTAREA to a DIV Append the DIV..
Reliably detecting <img> tag support for SVG http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4118254/reliably-detecting-img-tag-support-for-svg rather than using some more ambitious solution is that AFAIK Chrome Opera and Safari all support it and FF4 seems like it..
Using different versions of jQuery and jQueryUI together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4214551/using-different-versions-of-jquery-and-jqueryui-together script jquery jquery ui share improve this question AFAIK there's no .noConflict equivalent for jQuery UI. You can however..
javascript object variable key http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6071471/javascript-object-variable-key you javascript jquery share improve this question AFAIK you can't. Whatever is in front of the colon in the object literal..
Querying Google Places API using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6104122/querying-google-places-api-using-jquery able to use see google.maps.places.PlacesServices#search . AFAIK there seems to be shift towards removing JSONP support for example..
jquery progressbar - loads all at once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6913426/jquery-progressbar-loads-all-at-once jquery ajax progress bar share improve this question AFAIK PHP sessions are actually synchronous. That means that the Process.php..
jquery .load() function does not work under phonegap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7539079/jquery-load-function-does-not-work-under-phonegap share improve this question Try using a full URL. AFAIK PhoneGap is actually served as local files. If you want to access..
Cannot access document's title element with jQuery (IE 8) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7897005/cannot-access-documents-title-element-with-jquery-ie-8 jQuery selector for title 'title' is not working. Again AFAIK this is just in IE 8 function .fn.myPlugin function options..
jQuery .serializeObject is not a function - only in Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8900587/jquery-serializeobject-is-not-a-function-only-in-firefox help guys. jquery firefox share improve this question AFAIK jQuery has no function defined as serializeObject in its core...
Using jQuery to test if an input has focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967096/using-jquery-to-test-if-an-input-has-focus inputs had focus we could stop the border from going away. AFAIK there is no focus selector in jQuery so I'm not sure how to..
How to prevent double submit with jQuery in ASP.NET app with UpdatePanels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11342546/how-to-prevent-double-submit-with-jquery-in-asp-net-app-with-updatepanels app the submit can happen From a submit button. From any control with AutoPostBack true which submits using javascript AFAIK . From either of the above within an UpdatePanel in which case as I understand it the POST is done using AJAX and I would..
Requirejs domReady plugin vs Jquery $(document).ready()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15332628/requirejs-domready-plugin-vs-jquery-document-ready of including another dependency. If its just to feed a need then why not provide one for Cross Browser ajax Update 2 AFAIK A module that requires domReady won't be fetched or executed after document is ready. Since it provides 1 domReady require..
FireFox warning “Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element 'hidden' ” keeps running over and over http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1836252/firefox-warning-unknown-pseudo-class-or-pseudo-element-hidden-keeps-running tries to use on browsers supported the querySelectorAll function to find the elements matching your selector. Now AFAIK is hidden not a valid CSS selector thus although Firefox supports the call to querySelectorAll it correctly fails after..
event.preventDefault() does not work in Chrome and Opera http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18389046/event-preventdefault-does-not-work-in-chrome-and-opera elements i.e. remove the navigation and history from an anchor tag etc. See http api.jquery.com event.preventDefault AFAIK you cannot programatically turn validation on and off. Once you initialize the plugin with .validate there is no method..
X-Requested-With header not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1846675/x-requested-with-header-not-set-in-jquery-ajaxform-plugin De Maeyer's answer to his own question Actually you don't need to do this yourself appending a hidden input field . AFAIK you can just pass such data to ajaxForms plugin in the options object '#myForm1' .ajaxForm data X_REQUESTED_WITH XMLHttpRequest..
JQuery in Rails is failing after linking from another page, works on page load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18623248/jquery-in-rails-is-failing-after-linking-from-another-page-works-on-page-load to trigger your code. Instead Turbolinks fires events on document to provide hooks into the lifecycle of the page. AFAIK Rails4 enables turbolinks by default and you have it in your application.js so function ... won't always fire when changing..
jQuery cluetip('destroy') does not destroy/remove cluetip? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1950197/jquery-cluetipdestroy-does-not-destroy-remove-cluetip However the cluetip div still appears to be alive and well. This really confuses me... Correct me if I'm wrong... AFAIK cluetip has 1 instance in the webpage and it exists in a hierarchy of tags i.e. cluetip cluetip outer cluetip inner. It..
CSS parser/abstracter? How to convert stylesheet into object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2226869/css-parser-abstracter-how-to-convert-stylesheet-into-object
How can I differentiate a manual scroll (via mousewheel/scrollbar) from a Javascript/jQuery scroll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2834667/how-can-i-differentiate-a-manual-scroll-via-mousewheel-scrollbar-from-a-javasc sure how to code the IsManuallyScrolled function. I've checked out e the event object in Google Chrome's console and AFAIK there is not way to differentiate between a manual scroll and jQuery's animate scroll. How can I differentiate between a..
How to upload string as file with jQuery or other js framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3012566/how-to-upload-string-as-file-with-jquery-or-other-js-framework so modified it for jQuery no library version here Define a boundary I stole this from IE but you can use any string AFAIK var boundary 7da24f2e50046 var body ' ' boundary ' r n' Parameter name is file and local filename is temp.txt 'Content..
TextArea Caret Coordinates jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3510009/textarea-caret-coordinates-jquery on screen X Y coordinates. Cheers javascript jquery share improve this question The only viable way of doing this AFAIK Append the contents of the TEXTAREA to a DIV Append the DIV to the DOM Place a SPAN inside the DIV at the character offset..
Reliably detecting <img> tag support for SVG http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4118254/reliably-detecting-img-tag-support-for-svg tags. The reason I want to stick to just using SVG in img tags rather than using some more ambitious solution is that AFAIK Chrome Opera and Safari all support it and FF4 seems like it may finally get it as well combined with the fact that the..
Using different versions of jQuery and jQueryUI together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4214551/using-different-versions-of-jquery-and-jqueryui-together script script type text javascript var j 144 .noConflict true script jquery jquery ui share improve this question AFAIK there's no .noConflict equivalent for jQuery UI. You can however use a local copy of jQuery UI and wrap the whole JS using..
javascript object variable key http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6071471/javascript-object-variable-key any ideas where my syntax is wrong thank you javascript jquery share improve this question AFAIK you can't. Whatever is in front of the colon in the object literal notation will be automatically interpreted as a string...
Querying Google Places API using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6104122/querying-google-places-api-using-jquery API it includes a Places library that you might be able to use see google.maps.places.PlacesServices#search . AFAIK there seems to be shift towards removing JSONP support for example the Geocoding API used to support JSONP undocumented..
jquery progressbar - loads all at once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6913426/jquery-progressbar-loads-all-at-once else echo 100 If there is no data assume it's done php jquery ajax progress bar share improve this question AFAIK PHP sessions are actually synchronous. That means that the Process.php script is blocking the getProgress.php script from..
jquery .load() function does not work under phonegap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7539079/jquery-load-function-does-not-work-under-phonegap just works fine. Thanks in advance. jquery iphone ipad phonegap share improve this question Try using a full URL. AFAIK PhoneGap is actually served as local files. If you want to access external assets or Ajax then include the protocol domain..
Cannot access document's title element with jQuery (IE 8) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7897005/cannot-access-documents-title-element-with-jquery-ie-8 anything. docTitle is blank because title is blank as if the jQuery selector for title 'title' is not working. Again AFAIK this is just in IE 8 function .fn.myPlugin function options var title 'title' .text docTitle escape title jQuery http jsfiddle.net..
jQuery .serializeObject is not a function - only in Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8900587/jquery-serializeobject-is-not-a-function-only-in-firefox function above at the top of the JS file. Thanks for your help guys. jquery firefox share improve this question AFAIK jQuery has no function defined as serializeObject in its core. Probably you are using a plugin and that its problematic..
Using jQuery to test if an input has focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967096/using-jquery-to-test-if-an-input-has-focus For instance if we tested on mouse out if any of the inputs had focus we could stop the border from going away. AFAIK there is no focus selector in jQuery so I'm not sure how to make this happen. Any ideas Thanks for your help. javascript..