jquery Programming Glossary: ads
canvas.toDataURL() throws security exception, despite image being local http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10187306/canvas-todataurl-throws-security-exception-despite-image-being-local is doing is creating an instance of Uploadify which uploads SVG files to the local root uploads folder. Then it ads that.. of Uploadify which uploads SVG files to the local root uploads folder. Then it ads that image to three canvases of different.. SVG files to the local root uploads folder. Then it ads that image to three canvases of different sizes. At no point..
Detecting AdBlocking software? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1185067/detecting-adblocking-software for the best if you're not going to help us through our ads go and buy something in the store banner. A quick look in the..
:hover issue when mouse moves over an iframe which is inside the div | Internet Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11939576/hover-issue-when-mouse-moves-over-an-iframe-which-is-inside-the-div-internet left 0 All this works fine but now I've added a google adsense frame inside the div and... everything works fine except.. everything works fine except in IE most used browser ads... It looks like the div hover disappears over the frame causing.. causing annoying flickering and users are unable to click ads I think that a possible solution would be to use jquery instead..
Changing Ad Size Based on Browser Width in DFP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15423189/changing-ad-size-based-on-browser-width-in-dfp ad sizes. This works fine but its not what I want the ads to do I want the ads to do this I want the ads to change sizes.. fine but its not what I want the ads to do I want the ads to do this I want the ads to change sizes based on browser width.. I want the ads to do I want the ads to do this I want the ads to change sizes based on browser width so for example if the..
Detect if browser tab is active or user has switched away http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19519535/detect-if-browser-tab-is-active-or-user-has-switched-away class alert alert error Oops. You navigated away from the ads a id start class butt green Resume a div ' var myDiv #bar ..
Under what circumstances is jQuery's document.ready() not required? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2809530/under-what-circumstances-is-jquerys-document-ready-not-required not important for the user for example analytics ads things slightly improving the user experience fetching non essential..
How to force advert to show on ajax-loaded page? (Adsense) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6394594/how-to-force-advert-to-show-on-ajax-loaded-page-adsense possible Is there some workaround javascript jquery ajax adsense share improve this question Sorry but I think that way.. it is already in the other answers https www.google.com adsense localized terms Moreover some time ago I tried to use ajax.. some time ago I tried to use ajax loaded page to show adsense and indeed they stopped the account. I also tried Iframe..
How To Disable Ajax In jQuery Mobile Before Page Load? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8684234/how-to-disable-ajax-in-jquery-mobile-before-page-load my mobile website. I've been trying to load Adsense Mobile ads but they continue to take up the entire page after the page.. they continue to take up the entire page after the page loads itself. I did figure out that if I disable ajax the page would.. Problem The first page loaded will be overwritten by the adsense ad because ajax is enabled I think . Basically the first..
Unable to load google in iframe in fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8803053/unable-to-load-google-in-iframe-in-fancybox nor may the standard behavior targeting or delivery of ads be manipulated in any way that is not explicitly permitted by.. but is not limited to the following clicking Google ads may not result in a new browser window being launched nor may..
canvas.toDataURL() throws security exception, despite image being local http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10187306/canvas-todataurl-throws-security-exception-despite-image-being-local code that deals with adding an image to the canvas. What this is doing is creating an instance of Uploadify which uploads SVG files to the local root uploads folder. Then it ads that image to three canvases of different sizes. At no point is.. to the canvas. What this is doing is creating an instance of Uploadify which uploads SVG files to the local root uploads folder. Then it ads that image to three canvases of different sizes. At no point is the image referenced using an http address... this is doing is creating an instance of Uploadify which uploads SVG files to the local root uploads folder. Then it ads that image to three canvases of different sizes. At no point is the image referenced using an http address. All references..
Detecting AdBlocking software? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1185067/detecting-adblocking-software up for adblock plus users as a response they made a contest for the best if you're not going to help us through our ads go and buy something in the store banner. A quick look in the source of newgrounds told me they are doing this with some..
:hover issue when mouse moves over an iframe which is inside the div | Internet Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11939576/hover-issue-when-mouse-moves-over-an-iframe-which-is-inside-the-div-internet hover over the bar the position changes using #blokje hover left 0 All this works fine but now I've added a google adsense frame inside the div and... everything works fine except in IE most used browser ads... It looks like the div hover.. but now I've added a google adsense frame inside the div and... everything works fine except in IE most used browser ads... It looks like the div hover disappears over the frame causing annoying flickering and users are unable to click ads I.. ads... It looks like the div hover disappears over the frame causing annoying flickering and users are unable to click ads I think that a possible solution would be to use jquery instead of css to perform the hover effect. Can someone translate..
Changing Ad Size Based on Browser Width in DFP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15423189/changing-ad-size-based-on-browser-width-in-dfp you hit refresh the ad changes into one of my three specified ad sizes. This works fine but its not what I want the ads to do I want the ads to do this I want the ads to change sizes based on browser width so for example if the viewers browser.. ad changes into one of my three specified ad sizes. This works fine but its not what I want the ads to do I want the ads to do this I want the ads to change sizes based on browser width so for example if the viewers browser width is greater.. three specified ad sizes. This works fine but its not what I want the ads to do I want the ads to do this I want the ads to change sizes based on browser width so for example if the viewers browser width is greater than 800px then show the ads..
Detect if browser tab is active or user has switched away http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19519535/detect-if-browser-tab-is-active-or-user-has-switched-away fire issues switch e.type case blur '.message' .html ' div class alert alert error Oops. You navigated away from the ads a id start class butt green Resume a div ' var myDiv #bar myDiv.clearQueue myDiv.stop clearInterval timer timer null..
Under what circumstances is jQuery's document.ready() not required? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2809530/under-what-circumstances-is-jquerys-document-ready-not-required interaction to make the page usable What can postponed is everything not important for the user for example analytics ads things slightly improving the user experience fetching non essential widgets or buttons to be added to the page share..
How to force advert to show on ajax-loaded page? (Adsense) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6394594/how-to-force-advert-to-show-on-ajax-loaded-page-adsense if '#advert' eval '#advert' before does not work Is that possible Is there some workaround javascript jquery ajax adsense share improve this question Sorry but I think that way of showing AdSense violates Google's TOS. So even if you.. your account to be suspended some time later. Edit Reference it is already in the other answers https www.google.com adsense localized terms Moreover some time ago I tried to use ajax loaded page to show adsense and indeed they stopped the account... answers https www.google.com adsense localized terms Moreover some time ago I tried to use ajax loaded page to show adsense and indeed they stopped the account. I also tried Iframe and again the account was suspended. Google don't give a until..
How To Disable Ajax In jQuery Mobile Before Page Load? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8684234/how-to-disable-ajax-in-jquery-mobile-before-page-load To Disable Ajax In jQuery Mobile Before Page Load On my mobile website. I've been trying to load Adsense Mobile ads but they continue to take up the entire page after the page loads itself. I did figure out that if I disable ajax the page.. website. I've been trying to load Adsense Mobile ads but they continue to take up the entire page after the page loads itself. I did figure out that if I disable ajax the page would load fine with the ad together. This only works on the second.. data ajax false Which makes the next page load perfectly. Problem The first page loaded will be overwritten by the adsense ad because ajax is enabled I think . Basically the first part of my page looks like this... html head link rel stylesheet..
Unable to load google in iframe in fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8803053/unable-to-load-google-in-iframe-in-fancybox their adSense program policies. AdSense code may not be altered nor may the standard behavior targeting or delivery of ads be manipulated in any way that is not explicitly permitted by Google. This includes but is not limited to the following.. any way that is not explicitly permitted by Google. This includes but is not limited to the following clicking Google ads may not result in a new browser window being launched nor may Google ads be placed in an IFRAME. . share improve this answer..