javascript Programming Glossary: this.url
JavaScript detect an AJAX event function this.method the ajax method used this.url the url of the requested script including query string if any..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? function connect function this.ajax new Ajax.Request this.url method 'get' parameters 'timestamp' this.timestamp onSuccess.. 'msg' ' div ' doRequest function request new Ajax.Request this.url method 'get' parameters 'msg' request var comet new Comet comet.connect..
Queue AJAX calls callback function Task item url callback this.item item this.url url this.callback callback small handler that loads the task.url..
Access the URL of an jQuery Ajax Request in the Callback Function question Set a break point in success method then watch this.url is the real url for the request. share improve this answer..
Google Closure bind / resolve issues with the this keyword ehsun7b.ajax.AjaxBox function url containerClass try this.url url this.containerClass containerClass var viwportSize goog.dom.getViewportSize.. ehsun7b.ajax.AjaxBox function url containerClass try this.url url this.containerClass containerClass var viwportSize goog.dom.getViewportSize..
Backbone set collection attribute (for the url) to the server yet. If you did something like user_url this.url it wouldn't contain the id yet... and any sync through docs.. if you sync'd the user model new Docs user_url this.url urlRoot ' user' var Doc Backbone.Model.extend var Docs Backbone.Collection.extend.. Backbone.Collection.extend initialize function models args this.url function args.user_url ' documents' var user new User id 1234..
Difficulty in Understanding Slideshow script function imageItem url this.img new Image this.img.src url this.url url var imageArray new imageItem imageDir 01.jpg new imageItem..