javascript Programming Glossary: three.mesh
how to add Label to a THREE.Mesh? to add Label to a THREE.Mesh The objective is to display the Three.Mesh name as a label..
Multiple transparent textures on the same mesh face in Three.js fragShader And create mesh with that material var me new THREE.Mesh new THREE.CubeGeometry 80 80 80 material_shh You can put simplest..
Using textures in THREE.js THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture 'crate.gif' material new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial map texture material new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial.. new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial map texture material new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial color 0xCC0000 geometry new THREE.PlaneGeometry.. 0xCC0000 geometry new THREE.PlaneGeometry 100 100 mesh new THREE.Mesh geometry material pointLight new THREE.PointLight 0xFFFFFF camera.position.z..
Three.js - Custom Shapes? 50 16 16 give a shape red color material new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial map texture create an object mesh new THREE.Mesh.. map texture create an object mesh new THREE.Mesh geometry material javascript 3d three.js share improve this..
Three.js - how to detect what shape was selected? after drag 7 7 1 3 3 1 for var i 0 i 5 i var object new THREE.Mesh geometry new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial map THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture.. for var i 0 i 5 i var object new THREE.Mesh geometry new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial map THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture 'red.png'.. true scene.add object objects.push object plane new THREE.Mesh new THREE.PlaneGeometry 2000 2000 8 8 new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial..
How to create a custom mesh on THREE.JS? v2 geom.vertices.push new THREE.Vertex v3 var object new THREE.Mesh geom new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial scene.addObject object I expected.. new THREE.Vertex v3 var object new THREE.Mesh geom new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial scene.addObject object I expected this to work.. v3 geom.faces.push new THREE.Face3 0 1 2 var object new THREE.Mesh geom new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial scene.addObject object Since..