

javascript Programming Glossary: this.tostring

How to “properly” create a custom object in JavaScript?


Instead function Shape x y var that this this.x x this.y y this.toString function return 'Shape at ' that.x ' ' that.y function Circle.. that this Shape.call this x y this.r r var _baseToString this.toString this.toString function return 'Circular ' _baseToString that.. this x y this.r r var _baseToString this.toString this.toString function return 'Circular ' _baseToString that ' with radius..

Overloading Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript?


function val return val.toString .length 1 0 val val this.toString function return this.padL this.hours this.padL this.minutes..

Instantiating a JavaScript object by calling prototype.constructor.apply


this with my own class function Foo a b this.a a this.b b this.toString function return this.a this.b var foo new Foo 1 2 Foo.prototype.constructor.apply..

Regular Expression for formatting numbers in JavaScript


as follows Number.prototype.format function return this.toString .replace d d 3 d g 1 And then using it like this var num 1234..

what is the solution to remove/add a class in pure javascript?


classes i this._updateClassName function elem.className this.toString classListProto ClassList protoProp classListGetter function..

How can I construct an object using an array of values for parameters, rather than listing them out, in JavaScript?


parameterArray var functionNameResults function . 1 .exec this.toString var constructorName functionNameResults functionNameResults.length..

Is it possible to emulate non-enumerable properties?


toUpperCaseString value function toUpperCaseString return this.toString .toUpperCase enumerable false for var key in assert key toUpperCaseString..

Best way to populate select list with JQuery / Json?


else array of strings .each values function var value this.toString html ' option value ' value ' ' value ' option ' selectElement.append..