

javascript Programming Glossary: thousand

How can I format numbers as money in JavaScript?


Then you can add the sign of ' '. If you require ' ' for thousand you can use Number.prototype.formatMoney function c d t var..

How does AJAX work?


heavily to the promotion of AJAX. A picture being worth a thousand words below a diagram that illustrates the communication between..

Javascript getElementById lookups - hash map or recursive tree traversal?


test span span span span div repeat the above a couple of thousand times I had about 2 200 div test test span test span test span..

Javascript Thousand Separator / string format


formatting number and strings I am looking for a way for thousand separator for string or numbers... Like String.Format In c#..

How to remove the space between inline-block elements?


3 ul Now that I've gone and bored you to death with one thousand different ways to remove whitespace by thirtydot hopefully you've..

Scaling a chat app - short polling vs. long polling (AJAX, PHP)


chat app . Is short polling this often with a few hundred thousand users going to kill my server How do I scale this please help..

Fastest method to escape HTML tags as HTML entities?


gt ' But there's still a big lag when I have to run a few thousand strings through it in one go. Can anyone improve on this It's..

JavaScript numbers to Words


to convert numbers to english words. Eg 1234 become one thousand two hundred thirty four . My Tactic goes like this Separate.. convert them to dontAddBigSufix From Right to left add thousand million billion..... If the finlOutPut cell equal to dontAddBigSufix.. to dontAddBigSufix because it was zeros don't add the thousand million billion... and set the cell to Nothing it's seem to..

How is indexedDB conceptually different from HTML5 local storage?


or a few objects in local storage. But imagine you have a thousand objects all of which have a property b and you want to do something.. in the value. So with IndexedDb you can put those same thousand objects in it but create an index on the b property and use..

JavaScript equivalent to printf/string.format


IFormatProvider for .NET . My basic requirement is thousand separator format for numbers for now but something that handles..

Algorithm or library for color quantization/reduced image color palette in Javascript?


Protovis . It's working well but I end up with several thousand colors and I'd like to let the user pick a target palette size.. would work here The goal is to reduce a palette of several thousand colors to a smaller palette optimized for this specific image...

Javascript: REGEX to change all relative Urls to Absolute


rel_to_abs . This function may be called hundreds if not thousand times. Be careful to not add a slow algorithm to this function..

JavaScript function order: why does it matter?


Looks like I need to spend ANOTHER day re ordering six thousand lines of code. The learning curve with javascript is not steep..

Does use of anonymous functions affect performance?


i .onMyEvent function do something You are creating a thousand distinct function objects even though they have the same body..

Running javascript after page is fully rendered


script. I tried using my script on a code with 10 thousand lines and all I see is a blank page while it is loading. Everything..

Javascript: what's the point of RegExp.compile()?


to get a regexp from the user and run it against a few thousand input strings. In the manual I found that the RegExp object..