

javascript Programming Glossary: this._super

Ember.js draggable and droppable jqueryUI / native Drag and drop mixin


it will call this method. didInsertElement function this._super Make jQuery UI options available as SproutCore properties var..

Ember.js - How to properly bind a collection to a view using Ember.Router?


Ember.ArrayController.extend content init function this._super this.pushObject App.ContactModel.create ... Right if you manage..

Ember.js and jQuery Sortable. How to work around the metamorph scripts


App.JQuerySortableItemView didInsertElement function this._super this. .sortable .disableSelection App.Router Ember.Router.extend..

Twitter Bootstrap / jQuery - How to temporarily prevent the modal from being closed?


false hide function if this.options.locked return this._super 'hide' override the old initialization with the new constructor..

How do I load two models in one JSON request in Ember-data?


App.WOSerializer DS.Serializer.extend init function this._super this.map App.Dog person embedded 'load' Edit by question asker..

Ember data saving a relationship


serializer DS.RESTSerializer.extend init function this._super this.map 'App.ParameterSet' regions embedded 'always' Of..

How to get around the jslint error 'Don't make functions within a loop.'


func return function var result old_super old_super this._super this._super _super name result func.apply this arguments .. function var result old_super old_super this._super this._super _super name result func.apply this arguments this._super old_super.. this._super _super name result func.apply this arguments this._super old_super return result prop newObject prop This loop is..

Question on this JavaScript Syntax (“What Does This Do?”)


prop name function name fn return function var tmp this._super Add a new ._super method that is the same method but on the.. method that is the same method but on the super class this._super _super name The method only need to be bound temporarily so.. when we're done executing var ret fn.apply this arguments this._super tmp return ret name prop name prop name The dummy class constructor..