javascript Programming Glossary: suit
Which library should I use for server-side image manipulation on Node.JS? [closed] list but most of them are either very immature or do not suit my use case. I would really like to try migrating to either..
How can I get angular.js checkboxes with select/unselect all functionality and indeterminate values? true scope.cbChange initialize Change the template to suit your needs or use an external template with templateUrl. The..
How can I determine a timezone by the UTC offset? in this Greasemonkey script . You may want to tweak it to suit your needs. @param timestamp An ISO 8601 timestamp in the form..
Clear localStorage and change the view Backbone now if I can make these work then everything can follow suit var Search Backbone.View.extend el #Sirius events 'submit #searchMusic'..
Turn a number into star rating display using jQuery and CSS http stuff stars.php This will probably suit your needs. With this method you don't have to calculate any..
How can I give control back (briefly) to the browser during intensive JavaScript processing? 0 10 configure this last number the size of the 'chunk' to suit your needs for var i 0 i dataChunk.length i #mySelect .append.. 0 setTimeout appendOptions 100 change time to suit needs appendOptions kicks it off Not as elegant as @Borgar's..
Bookmarklet to edit current URL that does something like this that I can edit to suit my needs. javascript url bookmarklet share improve this question..
Sending emails with Javascript can then edit the message as desired should it not exactly suit their purposes. There's a number of reasons I want it to go..
is it possible to open a popup with javascript and then detect when the user closes it? of polling solution in the main window. Adjust interval to suit. var win popup.html thePopUp var pollTimer window.setInterval..
Make Browser Window Blink in Task Bar
Can I conditionally change the character entered into an input on keypress? question . Customize the transformTypedChar function to suit your needs my example capitalizes only the letters a g. If you..
JQuery .load() into variable or hidden element jquery share improve this question a .get would suit your purposes better than a .load using .get you can process..
What is better: CSS hacks or browser detection? content at the client ... you can't easily adapt it to suit on the fly at the client so for those tricky incompatible cases..
Javascript Object.create not working in Firefox Hand .init cardArr Object.create Card .init value suit It is from a poker library gaga.js if someone wants to see all..
replace innerHTML in contenteditable div similar problems on stackoverflow but solutions doesnt suit to my case javascript div range contenteditable rangy share..
jQuery .find() doesn't return data in IE but does in Firefox and Chrome That code above was scraped out of a forum and modified to suit my needs. Since jQuery is cross platform I figured I wouldn't..
Are there any JavaScript live syntax highlighters? to the answer below I found two that look like they might suit my needs EditArea and CodePress EDIT See this question also..
JQuery Popup Bubble a bit. I did some searching and couldn't find anything to suit my fancy. Does anyone know of a good JQuery plugin for doing..
Image resize before upload