javascript Programming Glossary: superclass
Objects don't inherit prototyped functions functions I have one constructor function which acts as a superclass Bla function a this.a a I prototype it to include a simple method..
Why is it Object.defineProperty() rather than this.defineProperty() (for objects)? and other methods rather than having to call the superclass superobject Object method. I've looked at the MDN docs and there..
Better way to call superclass method in ExtJS way to call superclass method in ExtJS All the ExtJS documentation and examples I.. documentation and examples I have read suggest calling superclass methods like this MyApp.MyPanel Ext.extend Ext.Panel initComponent.. do something MyPanel specific here... this I have been using this pattern for..
How to call parent class' method from a subclass in JavaScript so that parent's local variables would be accessible? 7 child.MethodA child.MethodB javascript oop inheritance superclass share improve this question No you can't see the parents..
JavaScript inheritance extend function new F subClass.prototype.constructor subClass subClass.superclass superClass.prototype if superClass.prototype.constructor Object.prototype.constructor.. The book explains that these lines ensure that the superclass's constructor attribute is correctly set even if the superclass.. constructor attribute is correctly set even if the superclass is the Object class itself. Yet if I omit those three lines..
Javascript syntax I haven't seen till now, what does it do really? this arguments called as a method defer setup of superclass and plugins deferred._super Klass deferred._plugins arguments.. addPlugins called as function when not inheriting from a superclass deferred function plugins return Klass.addPlugins plugins valueOf.. plugins valueOf is called to setup inheritance from a superclass deferred.valueOf function var Superclass deferred._super if..
Do events handlers on a DOM node get deleted with the node? And some sample code @constructs initialize function call superclass MyCompany.Control.prototype.initialize.apply this arguments.. this.onFlashmapSvUpdate call superclass MyCompany.Control.prototype.destroy.apply this arguments share..
Persisting & loading metadata in a backbone.js collection option than overloading fetch and trying it to call it's superclass implementation to achieve what I want to achieve Thanks javascript..
Can I instantiate a superclass and have a particular subclass be instantiated based on the parameters supplied I instantiate a superclass and have a particular subclass be instantiated based on the..
Extending the defaults of a Model superclass in Backbone.js the defaults of a Model superclass in Backbone.js I would like to pose this as a question to this.. the defaults for the subclass are reflected in the superclass. This seems to defeat the purpose and I'm more apt to explicitly.. defeat the purpose and I'm more apt to explicitly list the superclass' defaults in the subclass to get the structure I'm looking for...
Inherit parent constructor arguments can't seem to get it right. I have a PhysicsBody superclass that takes aNode as its only constructor argument function PhysicsBody..