javascript Programming Glossary: suffix
Equivalent of String.format in JQuery prototype functions... String.prototype.endsWith function suffix return this.substr this.length suffix.length suffix String.prototype.startsWith.. function suffix return this.substr this.length suffix.length suffix String.prototype.startsWith function prefix return.. suffix return this.substr this.length suffix.length suffix String.prototype.startsWith function prefix return this.substr..
Keeping history of hash/anchor changes in JavaScript and may collide with ids consider using a prefix suffix. Other browsers Unless you've got an out of the ordinary user..
Javascript: Do I need to put this.var for every variable in an object? foobar concatenated the bar value with a custom suffix So you can combine both approaches. Notice that the privileged..
How can I get the user's local time instead of the server's time? document.write b hours minutes b And if you want the AM PM suffix something like the following should work var currentTime new.. var minutes currentTime.getMinutes var suffix AM if hours 12 suffix PM hours hours 12 if hours 0 hours 12.. minutes currentTime.getMinutes var suffix AM if hours 12 suffix PM hours hours 12 if hours 0 hours 12 if minutes 10 minutes..
endsWith in javascript and simplify it a bit String.prototype.endsWith function suffix return this.indexOf suffix this.length suffix.length 1 Doesn't.. function suffix return this.indexOf suffix this.length suffix.length 1 Doesn't create a substring Uses.. function suffix return this.indexOf suffix this.length suffix.length 1 Doesn't create a substring Uses native indexOf function..
Javascript getCookie functions It fails if there are multiple cookies that have the same suffix like ffoo bar foo baz When you search for foo it will return..
Closures in a for loop and lexical environment want to load several images which have a common name and a suffix e.g image0.png image1.png image2.png ... imageN.png I'm using..
Overriding !important style using Javascript the style as a new CSS declaration with the ' important' suffix. The easiest way to do this is to append a new style element.. added with the above method will if you use the important suffix override other previously set styling. If you're not using the.. other previously set styling. If you're not using the suffix then make sure to take concepts like ' specificity ' into account...
Calling dynamic function with dynamic parameters in Javascript mainfunc would also work function target a alert a var o suffix World target function s alert s this.suffix mainfunc target.. alert a var o suffix World target function s alert s this.suffix mainfunc target Hello o target Hello share improve..