javascript Programming Glossary: such
How to create a GUID / UUID in Javascript? ' s4 ' ' s4 ' ' s4 s4 s4 However note in the comments that such values are not genuine GUIDs. There's no way to generate real..
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON of data just like XML YAML CSV and others. To work with such data it first has to be converted to JavaScript data types i.e...
event.preventDefault() vs. return false
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element What are the possible..
Elegant workaround for JavaScript floating point number problem precision. Does anyone have a good solution so that in such case I get the correct result 0.02 I know there are functions..
How to “properly” create a custom object in JavaScript? the prototype way you have to include a closure for every such assignment setTimeout function mycircle.move 1 1 1000 or in..
How to pass JavaScript variables to PHP? to PHP code from html form using another mechanism such as submitting form on GET or POST methods. DOCTYPE html html..
Change an element's CSS class with JavaScript write JavaScript directly inside the HTML event attributes such as onclick this.className ' MyClass' this is not recommended..
JavaScript “this” keyword calling a function. If a function is called on an object such as in obj.myMethod or the equivalent obj myMethod then ThisBinding..
How to encode a URL in JavaScript? How do you safely encode a URL using JavaScript such that it can be put into a GET string var myUrl http
How do I check a checkbox with jQuery? or .myCheckBox .selected true I wish to set the value. Is such a thing built into jQuery javascript jquery checkbox share..
Using HTML5/Canvas/Javascript to take screenshots with the form. The screenshot is based on the DOM and as such may not be 100 accurate to the real representation as it does..
JavaScript Variable Scope scope again function three var a 3 alert a Intermediate no such thing as block scope in javascript function four if true var..
Why is using “for…in” with array iteration such a bad idea? is using &ldquo for&hellip in&rdquo with array iteration such a bad idea I've been told not to use with arrays in..
Manipulating CSS pseudo-elements using jQuery (e.g. :before and :after) Is there any way to select manipulate CSS pseudo elements such as before and after using jQuery For example my stylesheet has..
How does JavaScript .prototype work? or obj 'propName' and the object does not have such a property which can be checked via obj.hasOwnProperty 'propName'.. instead. If the prototype object also doesn't have such a property its prototype is checked in turn thus walking the..
.prop() vs .attr() but this is not the case for certain attributes of inputs such as value and checked for these attributes the property always..
Most elegant way to clone a JavaScript object I have an object x . I'd like to copy it as object y such that changes to y do not modify x . What's the most elegant..
Why is using the JavaScript eval function a bad idea? that have undergone slight modification each time and as such could not be cached. Let's just say that SOME eval'd code executes..
CSS: Two column Div layout misaligns when Zoom changes be great if you can explain the CSS theory behind it. Note Such misalignment is observed even when the browser is minimized...
How to create a Web Worker from a string Note Do not forget to escape special characters Such as # and . response as defined in the first example var worker..
Jquery Fancybox draggable issue with Scrollbars just drag the lightbox from a specific defined element. Such handler can be appended to #fancybox wrap selector and set it..
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON arrays or objects i.e. its values are arrays or objects. Such structures can be accessed by consecutively applying dot or..
How does AJAX work? YUI etc to AJAXify the client side of your application. Such libraries aim to hide the complexity of JavaScript development..
Remove the default browser header and footer when printing HTML the strings that the web browsers add to the printed page Such as Web site from where the page was printed Page count Title..
Drag-and-drop file upload in Google Chrome/Chromium and Safari? can be a layer hidden until something is dragged over it. Such an iframe would look like script var entered 0 script body ondragenter..
Using JQuery Ajax to call a php function return the output What would I use as the URL index.php Such as... function DoVote .ajax type 'POST' url 'index.php' success..
Circumventing Chrome Access-control-allow-origin on the local file system?
What is “javascript:” in a JavaScript event handler? handler What is javascript in a JavaScript event handler Such as input onkeydown javascript return false type text name textfield..
does javascript support multiple inheritance like C++ and individually add them to newly created objects. Such a collection is called mixin . Several frameworks offer mixins..
Where are constructors such as, `new Image()` and `new Option()`, documented? copied them so that every browser in existence has them. Such features existed before the creation of the W3C DOM interfaces..
How to implement dynamic page turning/curling with Javascript? with the Flash based page curling transition to turn pages Such as here Can this be implemented in a good way with just simple..
Are +0 and -0 the same? x y where x and y are values produces true or false . Such a comparison is performed as follows ... If Type x is Number..
Use “coffee” instead of “node” command in production that does not directly support the CoffeeScript command. Such as Cloud 9 IDE. No need to fiddle with compiled js files. share..
Functions that return a function - Javascript example you are also defining functions within a function. Such as function d function e alert 'E' return e d alerts 'E' The..
jQuery/JS, iOS 4 and $(document).height() problems screen.width getIOSWindowHeight return tH 1 tH 0 Such technique has only one con it's not pixel perfect when page..
Why doesn't a Javascript return statement work when the return value is on a new line? in this case. The wrong method however returns undefined . Such is not the case with the most other languages. The following..
x-webkit-speech, how to auto click the mic icon to record many words automatically? automatically without manually click the mic icon Such as when the page loaded it start to record or write codes to..