javascript Programming Glossary: subviews
BackboneJS Rendering Problems uploading so everything starts rendering again. Add subviews to the mix and everything starts looking like a Fellini movie... and everything starts looking like a Fellini movie. It's subviews all the way down Here's a good article about this stuff . I.. attach jQuery plugins or DOM events to any view that has subviews. Hell ensues promptly. Tooltips hear a render coming a long..
Get total height of webView's content using Javascript works Current nonworking code self.singlePost.contentText subviews lastObject setScrollEnabled NO int content_height self.singlePost.contentText..
how to capture the key event from a view ? el '#someDiv' initialize function initialize some subviews render function return this events 'keypress #someDiv' 'showKey'.. not work ps There a no input elements in the view or its subviews. I just need to know if the user presses any key and then do..
How to render and append sub-views in Backbone.js and what would you not do Summary of practices Instantiate subviews in initialize or in render Perform all sub view rendering logic.. find render becoming unwieldy and complex you have too few subviews. Back to your second example which is probably the lesser of.. replaceWith a new DOM element that holds the appropriate subviews. Appending isn't the only solution and you can certainly get..
How to handle initializing and rendering subviews in Backbone.js? to handle initializing and rendering subviews in Backbone.js I have three different ways to initialize and.. different ways to initialize and render a view and its subviews and each one of them has different problems. I'm curious to..