javascript Programming Glossary: spend
Create “Hello Wold” WebSocket example as well as control over protocol it self. But you have to spend some time doing it and make sure that implementation is highly..
JavaScript: How to simulate change event in internet explorer (delegation) hasn't been getting too much attention so I'm going to spend some rep on it. I know I tend to be overly verbose in both my..
Opinion about synchronous requests in web workers efficient route and only use one Web Worker you'll spend a lot of time waiting for it to give you responses. If on the..
Unobtrusive JavaScript: <script> at the top or the bottom of the HTML code? want it loaded as early as possible so your page does not spend a long time redrawing itself in front of your users. If the..
How can I use jQuery to style /parts/ of all instances of a specific word? second half of their name is in bold. I'd really hate to spend a day adding strong tags to all the copy. Is there a good way..
Geolocation API on the iPhone looking to build an app for mobile users but rather than spend the time developing apps for every different platform iPhone..
Is using an obfuscator enough to secure my JavaScript code? market it as Vicrosoft Mista You'll get caught. You could spend an enormous amount of time reading the code trying to understand..
href=“javascript:” vs. href=“javascript:void(0)” can cause a problem It works even on IE7... Please don't spend your valuable time to tell me inline javascript is bad javascript..
javascript file upload size validation give them a nice friendly message if it is so they don't spend all that time uploading only to get the result thrown away at..
Removing an item from a select box is not how to remove or how to add but I think you should spend more time working with jquery and take time to learn it. When..
Is parsing JSON faster than parsing XML there's a proven massive difference then I'm prepared to spend the extra effort in generating JSON server side for the client...
VIM + JSLint? JSLint I spend my days in vim currently writing a lot of JavaScript. I've been..
difference between “void 0 ” and “undefined” I'm using Closure Compiler when compiling my scripts I spend the following Before compiling ClosureCompiler @compilation_level..
Pure Javascript code for HTTP Basic Authentication? it myself but it's for a side project and I'd rather not spend much time on it. Extra points for code or pointers to code that..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact this relies on jQuery 1.6 and ES5 use the ES5 Shim . I've spend some time re designing the plugin template you've given and..
onclick=“” vs event handler then make sure it's not overwritten somewhere. You can spend alot of time searching for the event listener and Then you can..
JavaScript function order: why does it matter? and Hoisting I am groaning inside. Looks like I need to spend ANOTHER day re ordering six thousand lines of code. The learning..
Are HTML comments inside script tags a best practice? trouble. As for the 'why not ' question I recently had to spend several hours debugging an issue where someone had left off..
How can I construct an object using an array of values for parameters, rather than listing them out, in JavaScript? work. If you don't understand how my solution works spend time to figure it out. ALTERNATE SOLUTION Not one to overlook..
Can you get a public Facebook page's feed using Graph API without asking a user to allow? all styled and customised their own way. You don't need to spend all day going round the official documentation wondering if..