javascript Programming Glossary: space
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON name spec or the name is the value of a variable the space is not a valid character in identifier names var value obj some..
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL after the semicolon. It's the Unicode U 200B Zero width space character a.k.a. ZWSP HTML entity #8203 . That character is.. applying String.trim . ZWSP can also cause extra whitespace to be displayed on an HTML page for example when it's found.. x u200c indeed works . Section 7.2 lists the valid White space characters such as tab space no break space etc. and vaguely..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content content div can be easily set to cover full available space with a little css trick #content padding 0 position absolute..
How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers? element to get the width of the viewport including the space where the scrollbars are document.documentElement.clientWidth..
Change an element's CSS class with JavaScript MyElement .className MyClass You can use a space delimited list to apply multiple classes. To add an additional.. without removing affecting existing values append a space and the new classname like so document.getElementById MyElement.. ^ s # match the start of the string or any single whitespace character MyClass # the literal text for the classname to remove..
Call ASP.NET Function From Javascript? underscore doPostBack' ... And there should be no space in that sequence... Somehow the WMD does not allow me to write..
How to remove the space between inline-block elements? to remove the space between inline block elements Given this HTML p span Foo span.. block width 100px as a result there will be a 4px wide space between the SPAN elements. Demo http dGHFV I understand.. this happens and I also know that I could get rid of that space by removing the white space between the SPAN elements in the..
Insert ellipsis (…) into HTML tag if content too wide and IE6 with single and multiline text .ellipsis white space nowrap overflow hidden .ellipsis.multiline white space normal.. space nowrap overflow hidden .ellipsis.multiline white space normal div class ellipsis style width 100px border 1px solid..
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow text align center width 95 float left .close notify white space nowrap float right margin right 10px color #fff text decoration..
Autosizing textarea using prototype have a fixed textarea it takes up a fair wack of vertical space. I can reduce the font but I need address to be large and readable... field the user can edit that won't take up unnecessary space but will show all the text in it. Though if someone comes up..
Is it correct to use JavaScript Array.sort() method for shuffling? shuffle any element has a 1 n chance of ending up in each space regardless of its original position assuming a reasonable RNG..
Chess game in JavaScript [closed] is a nice intro on how current chess programs work. Chess Space Paul Verhelst Question and Answers Bibliography on Minimax Algorithms..
What is the max size of localStorage values? fron a John Resig article posted January 2007 Storage Space It is implied that with DOM Storage you have considerably more..
JavaScript and Threads want to see them in action Simulated Annealing Try it link Space Invaders link at end of post MoonBat JavaScript Benchmark first..
“javascript:void(0);” vs “return false” vs “preventDefault()” properly standardised. You can also detect keypresses like Space or Enter on it to activate. This is kind of unsatisfactory but..
Make a link open on double click function event switch event.which case 13 Enter case 32 Space window.location this.href return false Live copy I can't..
set Interval and Clear Interval function doKeyDown event switch event.keyCode case 32 Space bar was pressed if x 4 setInterval drawAll 20 else setInterval..
Which text editor has the most useful autocomplete for web page editing? [closed] a context sensitive list of valid tags when you press CTRL Space or similar hotkey I've been using Notepad . I avoid Visual Studio..
How to POST a django form with AJAX & jQuery and position within the table. place get_object_or_404 Space url space_name note_form NoteForm request.POST or None if request.method..
Textbox with alphanumeric check in javascript to enter any specialcharecters He can enter A Z a z 0 9 Space. One more condition is the first letter should be alphabetic...