javascript Programming Glossary: speech
Are there any JavaScript static analysis tools? tools for JavaScript Preferably a free one either beer or speech because I'm a tightarse. javascript static analysis share..
jQuery HTML5 Speech Input make jQuery make the search boxes on my page use x webkit speech and submit automatically. The HTML would obviously be input.. would obviously be input type text id s name s x webkit speech x webkit speech onwebkitspeechchange this.form.submit I can.. be input type text id s name s x webkit speech x webkit speech onwebkitspeechchange this.form.submit I can add the x webkit..
Graphing JavaScript Library see some stats. Are there any free either as in beer or speech JavaScript libraries that can take a table or make some AJAX..
Can I use JavaScript to create a client side email? at least all our clients used . var addresses between the speech mark goes the receptient. Seperate addresses with a var body.. with a var body write the message text between the speech marks or put a variable in the place of the speech marks var.. the speech marks or put a variable in the place of the speech marks var subject between the speech marks goes the subject..
Is there an API for Google's speech recognition technology? there an API for Google's speech recognition technology I want to try creating a jQuery slideshow.. Google's voice recognition I know about Chrome's x webkit speech but I have to click a button to use it. I tried MIT's WAMI but.. WAMI but I found it slower and less accurate than Google's speech cognition. javascript jquery google api speech recognition..
x-webkit-speech, how to auto click the mic icon to record many words automatically? webkit speech how to auto click the mic icon to record many words automatically.. I am working on chrome browser. The code input x webkit speech will show this if you click the mic icon you can input speech... will show this if you click the mic icon you can input speech. like this My question is how to make it record voice to recognize..