javascript Programming Glossary: south
Parsing Date from webservice console.log date returns Sat Jul 09 2011 06 52 41 GMT 0200 South Africa Standard Time If you need to strip it as is in Question..
GeoLocation API Europe AM Asia AN North America AO Africa AQ Antarctica AR South America AS Australia AT Europe AU Australia AW North America.. BH Asia BI Africa BJ Africa BM North America BN Asia BO South America BR South America BS North America BT Asia BW Africa.. BJ Africa BM North America BN Asia BO South America BR South America BS North America BT Asia BW Africa BY Europe BZ North..
Convert digits into words with JavaScript to English numbering system like Million Billion I wan't South Asian numbering system. like in Lakhs and Crores javascript..
How to populate a cascading Dropdown with JQuery optionArray st. petersburg St. Petersburg else if s1.value South Africa var optionArray midrand Midrand else if s1.value USA.. 'Hungary' 'Pecs' 'USA' 'Downers Grove' 'Mexico' 'Puebla' 'South Africa' 'Midrand' 'China' 'Beijing' 'Russia' 'St. Petersburg'..
jQuery Pagination by div height (not item) Delaware one Maryland six Virginia ten North Carolina five South Carolina five and Georgia three. p p When vacancies happen in..
How do you detect a website visitor's country (Specifically, US or not)? to only give the offset so users in Canada Mexico and South America would have the same value as people in the US. Are there..
How to use a JSON file in javascript 13.32 longitude 89.99 markerImage flags us.png information South Pole .... lots more of these in between .... abbreviation ALE..
Convert digits into words with JavaScript with one RegEx and no loops. converts as you wanted in south asian numbering system var a '' 'one ' 'two ' 'three ' 'four..
Calculate lat/lng of corners of ground overlay from kml-file I need to get from LatLonBox north 60.406505416667 north south 60.400570555556 south east 5.3351572222222 east west 5.3190577777778.. north 60.406505416667 north south 60.400570555556 south east 5.3351572222222 east west 5.3190577777778 west rotation..
How to get Google Maps API to set the correct zoom level for a country? locations.Placemark 0 .ExtendedData.LatLonBox.north var south locations.Placemark 0 .ExtendedData.LatLonBox.south var east.. var south locations.Placemark 0 .ExtendedData.LatLonBox.south var east locations.Placemark 0 .ExtendedData.LatLonBox.east.. var bounds new GLatLngBounds new GLatLng south west new GLatLng north east map.setCenter bounds.getCenter..
Google's Geocoder returns wrong country, ignoring the region hint geocoder new google.maps.Geocoder Define north east and south west points of UK var ne new google.maps.LatLng 60.00 3.00 var..
Google Maps v3 - limit viewable area and zoom level
regex street address match state or zip regex 2 b d 2 5 s a p m b NW NE SW SE north south west east n e s w s . a zA Z s 1 30 1 4 court ct street st drive..