javascript Programming Glossary: spec
jQuery id selector works only for the first element than one element in a page with the same id . Quoting the spec 7.5.2 Element identifiers the id and class attributes id name.. else elem document.getElementById match 2 Though in the spec of document.getElementById they didn't mention it must return..
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON arrays. How can I extract the information i.e. access a specific or multiple values or keys For example var data code 42.. which can contain other data types objects and arrays a special form of objects . Both types expose a key value structure... name would not be a valid JavaScript identifier name spec or the name is the value of a variable the space is not a valid..
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? Cache Control no cache iOS6 Safari will NOT cache I suspect that Apple is taking advantage of this from the HTTP spec in.. that Apple is taking advantage of this from the HTTP spec in section 9.5 about POST Responses to this method are not cacheable..
What's the effect of adding 'return false' to an onclick event? Also I don't usually see that in buttons. Edit Is this specified anywhere In some spec in javascript html share.. that in buttons. Edit Is this specified anywhere In some spec in javascript html share improve this question The.. entering the information. I don't believe there is a W3C specification for this. All the ancient JavaScript interfaces like..
How does “this” keyword work within a JavaScript object literal? reasoning underlying why it is the way it is beyond the spec says so for instance is it a consequence of some broader design..
Valid Characters for JavaScript Variable Names variable names my write up summarizing the relevant spec sections An identifier must start with _ or any character in..
Storing Objects in HTML5 localStorage I assume it's my misunderstanding of the HTML5 Web Storage spec not a browser specific bug or limitation. I've tried to make.. of the HTML5 Web Storage spec not a browser specific bug or limitation. I've tried to make sense of the structured..
Getting All Variables In Scope quite a lot of it check out the ECMAScript JavaScript specification. The current spec is a bit of a pain to link to that.. out the ECMAScript JavaScript specification. The current spec is a bit of a pain to link to that will be fixed in the next.. the most recent tc39 2009 050.pdf as of this writing . The spec has been finalized and released now. Here's a link to the official..
Non-Standard Attributes on HTML Tags. Good Thing? Bad Thing? Your Thoughts? standard attributes on tags. If they aren't part of the spec then your code is considered non compliant. Non standard attributes..
Check if Internet Connection Exists with Javascript? try var online navigator.onLine Read more about the W3C's spec on offline web apps however be aware that this will work best..
Do HTML5 custom data attributes ?work??in IE 6? work in IE 6 Custom data attributes http html5 spec Overview.html#embedding custom non visible data When I say work..
Detect changes in the DOM that the mutation events are deprecated in the DOM3 Events spec pending a new better performing replacement. Someone else is..
Why doesn't indexOf work on an array IE8? have an .indexOf function for Array to define the exact spec version run this before trying to use it if Array.prototype.indexOf..
How does the paste image from clipboard functionality work in Gmail and Google Chrome 12+? this. It seems to sort of follow the new Clipboard API spec . You can define a paste event handler and look at event.clipboardData.items..
ASP.NET MVC JsonResult Date Format question Just to expand on casperOne's answer . The JSON spec does not account for Date values. MS had to make a call and..
How does JavaScript handle AJAX responses in the background? Work written by John Resig Events and Timing in Depth W3 spec HTML5 event loops MDN article on Event Loop Presentation on..
Execution order of multiple setTimeout() functions with same interval the case javascript share improve this question The Spec is here . My interpretation of setTimeout step 8 in section..
Why does an unexecuted eval have an effect on behavior in some browsers? a precise answer on why we see those collateral effects. Spec written by an SO user by the way. Tests I ran some tests to..
Set a request header in JavaScript data javascript ajax share improve this question W3C Spec on setrequestheader . The brief points If the request header..
Difference between MyClass.prototype = new Object() and MyClass.prototype = Object section Object Initialiser of the ECMAScript Language Spec pdf . Edit The third example won't produce any errors but is..
For a JavaScript autocomplete search box, must we use the “input” event handler? e.keyCode ' console.log e References HTML 5 Spec Common event behaviors SO onKeyPress Vs. onKeyUp and onKeyDown..
Internationalization in Javascript it also fixes the corresponding functions in the Language Spec. An introduction can be found here . Implementations are available..
Can Javascript get a function as text? The .toString on function is implementation dependent Spec here section From the spec An implementation dependent..
Difference between undefined and not being defined in Javascript global object and it is writable on this version of the Spec. meaning that if someone replaces its value e.g. window.undefined..
Embed xsl into an XML file share improve this question Although the W3C XSLT Spec supports embedding an XSLT stylesheet into an XML document it..
Javascript String.replace(/\$/,str) works weirdly in jsp file jsp tomcat el share improve this question JSP 2.0 Spec says When EL evaluation is disabled will not be recognized as.. isELIgnored @ page isELIgnored true false See JSP Spec 2.0 part JSP.3.3.2 for more details Simple way to check if EL..
Does it make sense to create canvas-based UI components? disabled etc. It is also worth noting that the HTML Canvas Spec has a section where they strongly advise against trying to create..
Will Dart support the use of existing JavaScript libraries? Dart compiles to JavaScript and I read the Dart Language Spec on Libraries although I didn't see an answer there. Also a search..
How to add validation/restrictions for HTML5 date field without jquery/javascript You can use min and max attributes on your date input. Spec http html5 markup Edit Afaik there..
Javascript request fullscreen is unreliable allowfullscreen attribute of the HTML iframe element W3 Spec ...To prevent embedded content from going fullscreen only embedded..
What does this symbol mean in JavaScript? [closed] them not to copy over content from the ECMAScript Spec. Additionally this is a blatant copy of the PHP symbol reference...