javascript Programming Glossary: pdfs
Disabling browser print options (headers, footers, margins) from page? puts into place. I very much want to reduce the usage of PDFs on my client's site but the infringement on presentation as..
Embedding SVG in PDF (exporting SVG to PDF using JS) different PDF readers without success. Does this mean that PDFs has dropped SVG embedding support I haven't found anything on..
Getting notified when the user clicks a link in an embedded PDF
Can a PDF file's print dialog be opened with Javascript? printing share improve this question Yes you can... PDFs have Javascript support. I needed to have auto print capabilities..
Generating PDF files with Javascript I've just written a library called jsPDF which generates PDFs using Javascript alone. It's still very young and I'll be adding..
PDF files do not open in Internet Explorer with Adobe Reader 10.0 - users get an empty gray screen. How can I fix this for my users? a list of caveats This ignores all user preferences for PDFs for example I personally like PDFs to open in a stand alone.. user preferences for PDFs for example I personally like PDFs to open in a stand alone Adobe Reader but that is ignored This.. page we have a section that says Having trouble viewing PDFs which lets you change your setting to embedded and we store..
jquery AJAX stopped working with iOS 5.0.1 Some of my ajax requests are used to fetch URL's of PDFs which are streamed using Content Disposition attachment filename..