javascript Programming Glossary: pausing
setInterval pauses in iphone/ipad (mobile Safari) during scrolling stop scrolling is there a way to prevent the function from pausing Thanks javascript iphone ipad setinterval share improve this..
open and close modal window on hover and close when out of focus true If I go from one link directly to another without pausing between the two it doesn't work javascript jquery html fancybox..
Stop HTML5 audio from looping when iOS Safari is closed to pause it when the browser window is closed. I've tried pausing it onblur onunload and onbeforeunload to no avail. Is there..
YouTube Player API: How to get duration of a loaded/cued video without playing it? or a workaround. Loading and immediately playing and pausing the player would be not my favorite method. Many thanks in advance..
Why is Chrome pausing on some line inside jQuery? is Chrome pausing on some line inside jQuery Every time I refresh my web app..
jQuery Pause / Resume animate .r' .animate left ' 80px' 250 'linear' #h .animate 'pause' pausing it at the start resume pause switch #h .mouseover function this..
Android webview SKIPS javascript even with setJavascriptEnabled(true) and WebChromeClient One thing I've noticed is that if you give it time by pausing the app with a breakpoint in the debugger then the javascript..
ios 5 pauses javascript when tab is not active do this every second but it would recover from a period of pausing. div id counter div script var startTime new Date var updateCounter..