javascript Programming Glossary: perception as a data transport: a valid approach? has not caught on as a data transport. I wonder if my perception is accurate thus the original question and if so I wonder why..
How do you performance test JavaScript code? way of testing performance in JavaScript besides just perception of how fast the code runs javascript performance share improve..
Why use semicolon? [duplicate] Are there any reasons apart from subjective visual perception and cases where you have multiple statements on the same line..
Improving Javascript Load Times - Concatenation vs Many + Cache would say that the most important thing to focus on is the perception of speed . First thing to take into consideration there is no.. start DFNing your code. Apart from that it's all about the perception. Don't let the content jump If your page has images set up their.. there will be no content fitting and adjusting the user's perception of speed will increase. Defer javascript All major libraries..
Should I write script in the body or the head of the html? [duplicate] item when page blocking perceptual loading speed the users perception IS thier reality if it is percieved to load faster it does load..