javascript Programming Glossary: performant
2D Engines for Javascript most commercial games are going to want to be mercilessly performant which means using as little extra cruft as possible and many..
Why was the arguments.callee.caller property deprecated in JavaScript? the namespace the value of this does not change it's more performant accessing the arguments object is expensive Whoops just realised..
Better way to access private members in Javascript see no drawback to this approach although some claim that performant code on certain browsers hosts has to pay attention to how many..
JavaScript string concatenation here a But the JS experts claim that the operator is less performant than StringBuffer.append . Is this really true javascript string..
Getting the “match” object in a Custom Filter Selector in jQuery 1.8 using match 3 . It also has the advantage of being more performant as you can avoid repeating tedious calculations every time an..
When should I use jQuery's document.ready function? always be inside document.ready Performance Is it more performant to keep various javascript jQuery objects inside or outside..
fastest MD5 Implementation in JavaScript implementation. It's a good read for anyone interested in performant javascript. http programming javascript..
How would you organize a large complex web application (see basic example)? tested. AHAH nay sayers will argue that this is not a performant way to run a web site however I have used and seen this technique..
Is strict mode more performant? strict mode more performant Does executing javascript within a browser in 'strict mode'.. javascript within a browser in 'strict mode' make it more performant in general Do any of the major browsers do additional optimisation..
Opensource/free HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript IDE? [closed] which would make it a lot more light weight and more performant. However the current Beta version of Aptana Studio 3 is still..
get word click in paragraphs into account. See it on jsFiddle . Update So will this be performant e.g. it won't freeze up a slow user's browser Also could you..
Why and When to use node js? [duplicate] a TCP server handling file IO. It's a low level highly performant platform for doing any kind of IO without having to write the..
using chrome.experimental.webRequest API to change loaded file? further restricts the URL matching as Chrome will be more performant then having JS do it. Be careful not to be too greedy in what..
Why is the DOMSubtreeModified event deprecated in DOM level 3? the use cases that mutation events solves but in more performant manner. Thus this specification describes mutation events for..
Deep cloning vs setting of innerHTML: what's faster? innerHTML what's faster I'm trying to figure out the most performant way of deep cloning a DOM tree within the browser. If I start..
Accessibility and all these JavaScript frameworks syntax a bit more functionality but most of all extremely performant Was able to do so because I switched the backend from java to..
Number.sign() in javascript 0 1 0 1.1. Modification from kbec one type cast less more performant shorter fastest function sign x return x x 0 1 1 0 caution sign.. optimizations and this solution turns out to be much more performant than others even than 1.1 despite it contains 2 extra operations..
ExtJs Vs Ext GWT Vs SmartGWT which one to use in terms of writing less code more performant etc.. Could someone tell the pros and cons of all these technologies...