javascript Programming Glossary: paypal
Prev & Next button with counter for overlay using jquery i cant manage.. Post the full solution and your email on paypal i will pay 20 jaaj XD dont be mad im desperate javascript jquery..
jquery's form submit not working in IE with an id of upgrade_form. We also have a form called 'paypal_submit' form. This form is blank. 'upgrade_form' has billing.. http lightbox when you choose the paypal radio button and click submit. EDIT Okay we totally revamped.. the form. These 2 fields contain urls for credit card and paypal. When you select the credit card radio button you get the credit..
window.opener is null after redirect is null after redirect I am opening a paypal window from the parent with . After payment and..
Submit two forms with one button to a database using PHP the other directs the user to a paypal payment page my problem is that the user would have to submit..