javascript Programming Glossary: mypagel
using javascript in android webview JSInterface JSInterface wv.loadUrl file android_asset myPage.html public class JavaScriptInterface Context mContext Instantiate..
jQuery xml error ' No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.' as the HTML page. Example A page in http myPage.html can only directly request services that are in http
Difference between onbeforeunload and onunload question related to it's use on the iPad...I have a page myPage.html where I am trying to show an alert when the page is closed i.e... get an alert when user navigates to a different page from myPage.html either by clicking on some link or doing a Google search while.. by clicking on some link or doing a Google search while on myPage.html . However nothing happens when the tab is closed from the minimized..
Android webview SKIPS javascript even with setJavascriptEnabled(true) and WebChromeClient here is how I call it myWebview.loadUrl file android_asset myPage.html myWebview.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true myWebview.setWebChromeClient.. new WebChromeClient myWebview.loadUrl file android_asset myPage.html One thing I've noticed is that if you give it time by pausing..