javascript Programming Glossary: myselect
Check if option is selected with jQuery, if not select a default to accomplish this bit of code worked for me. select id mySelect multiple multiple option value 1 First option option value 2.. script type text javascript document .ready function if #mySelect option selected .length #mySelect option value '3' .attr 'selected'.. .ready function if #mySelect option selected .length #mySelect option value '3' .attr 'selected' 'selected' script share..
HTML <select> selected option background-color CSS style color For example HTML BODY FORM NAME form1 SELECT NAME mySelect SIZE 7 style background color red OPTION Test 1 OPTION Test..
How do you remove all the options of a select box and then add one option and select it with jQuery? and select it My select box is the following. Select id mySelect size 9 Select EDIT The following code was helpful with chaining... I did use the same 'value' in both .append and .val . '#mySelect' .find 'option' .remove .end .append ' option value whatever.. my existing code I am just trying to learn jQuery. var mySelect document.getElementById 'mySelect' mySelect.options.length 0..
Getting initial selector inside jquery plugin .fn.customSelect function options var defaults myClass 'mySelect' var settings .extend defaults options this.each function Var.. index .text ' span li ' options_clone ' ul li ' var mySelect ' ul class ' settings.myClass ' ' .html options_clone Insert.. Insert Clone Options into Container UL this.after mySelect Insert Clone after Original var selectWidth 'ul' .find..
html select scroll bar for the time being. html body table tr td select size 4 id mySelect style width 65px color #f98ad3 option value 1 selected option.. value br input type button value td td select size 4 id mySelect style width 65px color #f98ad3 option value 1 selected option..