

javascript Programming Glossary: ltr

Is it possible to have multiple Twitter Bootstrap carousels on one page?


Version 2.0.3 Example HTML code DOCTYPE html html dir ltr lang en US xmlns og http opengraphprotocol.org schema head link..

input type=file show only button


scale 1 moz transform translate 300px 0 scale 4 direction ltr cursor pointer .myui button position relative cursor pointer..

use text-align smartly (if english dir=ltr if arabic dir=rtl)


text align smartly if english dir ltr if arabic dir rtl I have a community web site and I want that.. to post when i read it from data base post load in rtl or ltr but i don't know how javascript html css internationalization.. 0 divs index .className 'rtl' else divs index .className 'ltr' CSS .rtl direction rtl text align right unicode bidi bidi..

JavaScript 'contenteditable' — Getting/Setting Caret Position


ie. left on the current line and above if the text is ltr . If you use a fixed width font you can simplify the problem..

How do I make Firefox reload page when back button is pressed?


www.w3.org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1 transitional.dtd html dir ltr xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml the rest of my page .. and..

IE9 Double Form Submit Issue


and IE9. Here is the code DOCTYPE html html lang en us dir ltr head meta charset utf 8 meta http equiv X UA Compatible content..