javascript Programming Glossary: lng
Converting latitude and longitude to decimal values var lat ConvertDMSToDD parts 0 parts 1 parts 2 parts 3 var lng ConvertDMSToDD parts 4 parts 5 parts 6 parts 7 The following..
Settimeout to avoid over_query-limit 10 addresses..below is my code function fetchData lat lng type '#placedata' .empty myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng parseFloat.. function fetchData lat lng type '#placedata' .empty myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng parseFloat lat parseFloat lng map new.. myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng parseFloat lat parseFloat lng map new google.maps.Map document.getElementById 'map' mapTypeId..
Google Map API v3 ??set bounds and center new google.maps.Point 0 32 var lat map.getCenter .lat var lng map.getCenter .lng var shape coord 1 1 1 20 18 20 18 1 type.. 0 32 var lat map.getCenter .lat var lng map.getCenter .lng var shape coord 1 1 1 20 18 20 18 1 type 'poly' for var i 0..
How to get visitor's location (i.e. country) using javascript geolocation really need to get their location you can get their lat lng with that method then query google's or yahoo's reverse geocoding..
Google Maps v3 - limit viewable area and zoom level and then use the contains method to check if the new lat lng center is within the bounds. You can also limit the zoom level.. the map back within the bounds var c map.getCenter x c.lng y maxX strictBounds.getNorthEast .lng maxY strictBounds.getNorthEast.. x c.lng y maxX strictBounds.getNorthEast .lng maxY strictBounds.getNorthEast .lat minX strictBounds.getSouthWest..
Get country from latitude longitude is an example http countryCode lat 49.03 lng 10.2 I also found a little description The iso country code.. Type REST Url countryCode Parameters lat lng type lang radius buffer in km for closest country in coastal..
google maps V3 - populate text field with marker data? marker data I am trying to populate text fields with the lng lat where a marker is placed. I had this working in v2 and I'm.. var markerLongitute markerPosition.lng var lat lng markerPosition.lng document.getElementById.. markerPosition.lng var lat lng markerPosition.lng document.getElementById t1 .value lat document.getElementById..
Google maps saving dragable directions waypoints location new google.maps.LatLng lat lng go here repeat this as necessary function result displayer.setDirections..
Google Maps JS API v3 - Simple Multiple Marker Example with Custom Markers For instance var marker new google.maps.Marker position latlng map map icon 'http gmap images icons numeric red10.png'.. gmap images icons numeric red10.png' zIndex Math.round 100000 5 You can set the icon param with the location of.. assuming locations i 1 is the lat and locations i 2 is the lng. This is not tested but it's a base for what you can do to create..
Easiest way to get city name using geolocation? this http maps api geocode json latlng ' lat ' ' long ' sensor true to displaying the city name on.. position var lat position.coords.latitude var lng position.coords.longitude codeLatLng lat lng function errorFunction.. var lng position.coords.longitude codeLatLng lat lng function errorFunction alert Geocoder failed function initialize..
Google maps Places API V3 autocomplete - select first option on enter var lat results 0 lng results 0 .geometry.location.lng placeName results 0 .address_components.. 0 lng results 0 .geometry.location.lng placeName results 0 .address_components 0 .long_name latlng.. placeName results 0 .address_components 0 .long_name latlng new google.maps.LatLng lat lng .pac container .pac item first..
retrieving lat/long of location using google.maps.geocoder result lat results 0 .geometry.location.Pa result lng results 0 .geometry.location.Qa else result Unable to find address.. result lat results 0 .geometry.location.Pa result lng results 0 .geometry.location.Qa else result Unable to find address..