javascript Programming Glossary: lt
Detect IE version in Javascript First set up your ie classes correctly doctype html if lt IE 7 html class ie6 endif if IE 7 html class ie7 endif if IE..
How to convert characters to HTML entities using plain JavaScript here http TR html4 sgml entities.html added amp lt gt quot and apos escapeHtmlEntities.entityTable 34 'quot' 38.. 34 'quot' 38 'amp' 39 'apos' 60 'lt' 62 'gt' 160 'nbsp' 161 'iexcl' 162 'cent' 163 'pound' 164 'curren'.. 402 'fnof' 913 'Alpha' 914 'Beta' 915 'Gamma' 916 'Delta' 917 'Epsilon' 918 'Zeta' 919 'Eta' 920 'Theta' 921 'Iota'..
HtmlSpecialChars equivalent in Javascript? there a function equivalent to PHP's htmlspecialchars built into Javascript I know it's fairly easy to implement that yourself.. it's fairly easy to implement that yourself but using a built in function if available is just nicer. For those unfamiliar.. with PHP htmlspecialchars translates stuff like htmltag into lt htmltag gt I know that escape and encodeURI do not..
Unescape HTML entities in Javascript? e.childNodes.length 0 e.childNodes 0 .nodeValue htmlDecode lt img src 'myimage.jpg' gt returns img src 'myimage.jpg' Basically..
Escaping HTML strings with jQuery .text someHtmlString .html after div class someClass lt script gt alert 'hi ' lt script gt div share improve this..
Sanitize/Rewrite HTML on the Client Side tagOrComment '' while html oldHtml return html.replace g ' lt ' People will tell you that you can create an element and assign..
What are the common defenses against XSS? [closed] HTML escape all user input. This includes replacing with lt with gt with amp and with quot . If you will ever use single..
JSON pretty print using JavaScript [closed] json undefined 2 json json.replace g ' amp ' .replace g ' lt ' .replace g ' gt ' return json.replace u a zA Z0 9 4 ^u ^ s..
When is a CDATA section necessary within a script tag? want to be able to write literal i 10 and a b instead of i lt 10 and a amp amp b as XHTML will parse the JavaScript code as.. parsed character data as opposed to character data by default. This is not an issue with scripts that are stored in external..
How do you add CSS with Javascript? in practice style elements are CDATA in legacy HTML and lt and amp are rarely used in stylesheets anyway. You do need a..
Convert special characters to HTML in Javascript only when ENT_QUOTES is set. br ' ' less than becomes ' lt' br ' ' greater than becomes ' gt' javascript share improve.. return mystring.replace g amp .replace g gt .replace g lt .replace g quot But taking into account your desire for different..
Is there a jQuery autogrow plugin for text fields? o .extend maxWidth 1000 minWidth 0 comfortZone 70 o this.filter 'input text' .each function var minWidth o.minWidth this.. val.replace g ' amp ' .replace s g ' nbsp ' .replace g ' lt ' .replace g ' gt ' testSubject.html escaped Calculate new..