javascript Programming Glossary: loc
Detect when iframe is cross-domain, then bust out of it to document.getElementById testframe .contentDocument.location.href when the iframe is cross domain. I'm also not sure.. var iframe document.getElementById myFrame try var loc iframe.contentDocument.location.href catch e iframe.setAttribute.. myFrame try var loc iframe.contentDocument.location.href catch e iframe.setAttribute style border 0 margin..
Parsing CSS in JavaScript / jQuery function css var rules css this.removeComments css var blocks css.split ' ' blocks.pop var len blocks.length for var i 0.. css this.removeComments css var blocks css.split ' ' blocks.pop var len blocks.length for var i 0 i len i var pair blocks.. css var blocks css.split ' ' blocks.pop var len blocks.length for var i 0 i len i var pair blocks i .split ' ' rules..
Changing iframe src with Javascript Untitled 1 title SCRIPT LANGUAGE JavaScript function go loc document.getElementById 'calendar' .src loc script head body.. function go loc document.getElementById 'calendar' .src loc script head body iframe id calendar src about blank width 1000.. brackets here document.getElementById 'calendar' .src loc should be document.getElementById 'calendar' .src loc share..
How to base64 encode inside of javascript type text javascript jQuery document .ready function var location 'Unable to determine your location.' if google.loader.ClientLocation.. .ready function var location 'Unable to determine your location.' if google.loader.ClientLocation var loc google.loader.ClientLocation.. your location.' if google.loader.ClientLocation var loc google.loader.ClientLocation location 'Country strong '
How to get Client location using Google Maps API v3? to get Client location using Google Maps API v3 How do you get Client location.. location using Google Maps API v3 How do you get Client location using Google Maps API v3 I tried the following code but.. script script type text javascript function initialize var loc var geocoder new google.maps.Geocoder if google.loader.ClientLocation..
Remove hash from url the page number via hash say onclick callPage 2 window.location.hash 'p 2' return false and thats on the hyperlink it works.. want it to be products I tried these variations window.location.hash '' works but the url is now like products# and I dont.. and I dont quite the hash there. not using window.location.hash at all but when the user comes back to page 1 from..
How do I return a longitude and latitude from Google Maps JavaScript geocoder? var address document.getElementById address .value var loc geocoder.geocode 'address' address function results status if.. results status if status google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK loc 0 results 0 loc 1 results 0 .geometry.location.lng.. google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK loc 0 results 0 loc 1 results 0 .geometry.location.lng else alert Geocode..
How can I find a user?™s country using HTML5 geolocation? can I find a user ™s country using HTML5 geolocation I'm familiar with HTML5 geolocation for returning rough.. using HTML5 geolocation I'm familiar with HTML5 geolocation for returning rough coordinates of the user ™s location... geolocation for returning rough coordinates of the user ™s location. However how can I return the name of the country that..
Google Maps API v3: Custom styles for infowindow marker 'click' function map this map.panTo loc And additional Google examples here . And to further demonstrate..