

javascript Programming Glossary: literal

How do JavaScript closures work?


you Fascinating tell me more Here the number x is a literal number. As with other literals in JavaScript when foo is called.. more Here the number x is a literal number. As with other literals in JavaScript when foo is called the number x is copied into..

How does “this” keyword work within a JavaScript object literal?


&ldquo this&rdquo keyword work within a JavaScript object literal I just came across an interesting situation in Javascript... with a method that defines several objects using object literal notation. Inside those objects the this pointer is being used... method was invoked and not the object being created by the literal. This seems arbitrary though it is the way I would expect it..

Javascript infamous Loop problem?


second example for each iteration step the outer function literal will evaluate to a new function object with its own scope and..

What is the 'new' keyword in JavaScript?


time either with new with Object.create or based on the literal functions default to Function.prototype numbers to Number.prototype..

Change an element's CSS class with JavaScript


string or any single whitespace character MyClass # the literal text for the classname to remove S # negative lookahead to verify..

When to Use Double or Single Quotes in JavaScript


quote in the string you might want to use the other as the literal. alert 'Say Hello ' alert Say 'Hello' The most likely reason..

How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript?


Foo true obj.constructor.name true using object literal syntax obj foo 1 obj instanceof Object true obj.constructor..

Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons?


e f true e f true The special case is when you compare a literal with an object that evaluates to the same literal due to its.. a literal with an object that evaluates to the same literal due to its toString or valueOf method. For example consider.. method. For example consider the comparison of a string literal with a string object created by the String constructor. abc..

Self-references in object literal declarations


references in object literal declarations Is there any way to get something like the following.. to foo . But is there any way to have values in an object literal's properties depend on other properties declared earlier javascript.. on other properties declared earlier javascript object literal share improve this question You could do something like var..

JavaScript property access: dot notation vs. brackets?


the first form could use a variable and not just a string literal is there any reason to use one over the other and if so under..

When is a CDATA section necessary within a script tag?


is interpreted as XML and you want to be able to write literal i 10 and a b instead of i lt 10 and a amp amp b as XHTML will..

Most elegant way to clone a JavaScript object


This isn't a problem since I'm copying one of my own literal constructed objects. javascript object clone share improve..

Creating multiline strings in JavaScript


doesn't have a here document syntax. You can escape the literal newline however which comes close foo bar share improve this..

Function vs. Object Literal Notaion - is there a diifference?


vs. Object Literal Notaion is there a diifference Both these ways work using the.. just a matter of preference Style wise I like the Object Literal Notation because it provides enclosure. Function Notation var.. function text return text.match www . . ^ 2 Object Literal Notation TextProcessor var TextProcessor unEscape function text..

Javascript: Object Literal reference in own key's function instead of 'this'


Object Literal reference in own key's function instead of 'this' Is it problematic..

Eclipse Javascript Editor 2012 with full Outliner support [closed]


outliner based IDE facilities such as Outliner with Object Literal support which apparently is rare Intelligent Code Completion.. outlining Javascript Source Editor Aptana plugin Object Literal is outlined fully Fake similar word code highlighting No inter.. No inter file scoping Spket Javascript Editor ~ Object Literal is outlined partially Fake similar word different vars code..

Literal notation VS. constructor to create objects in JavaScript


notation VS. constructor to create objects in JavaScript I..

ASP.Net double-click problem


s 32 d identicon r PG OnClick btnTest_Click pre Result asp Literal runat server ID ltlResult pre form body html share improve..

ZIP Code (US Postal Code) validation


share improve this question Javascript Regex Literal US Zip Codes ^ d 5 ^ d 5 d 4 var isValidZip ^ d 5 ^ d 5 d 4..

Implementing Mozilla's toSource() method in Internet Explorer


' 'new Boolean new Date new RegExp new Function ' render 'Literal Instances source code ' ' 1 true . new Date function ' render.. 0 false 2011 04 12T19 53 15.772Z null and then displays Literal Instances source code 1 true . new Date function toSource 1..

Javascript - String Literal vs String Object


String Literal vs String Object Taken from MDN String literals denoted by..

JQuery JavaScript Design: Self Executing Function or Object Literal?


JavaScript Design Self Executing Function or Object Literal I'm curious as to if there are any best practices relating.. this encapsulation. In Mootools they favor the Object Literal Notation var Site properties and methods In YUI they favor..

What is the difference between JSON and Object Literal Notation?


is the difference between JSON and Object Literal Notation Can someone tell me what is the main difference between.. between a JavaScript object defined by using Object Literal Notation and JSON object According to a JavaScript book it says..

What are the differences between JSON and JavaScript object?


The syntax of JSON was inspired by the JavaScript Object Literal notation but there are differences between them. For example.. Numbers also changes in JavaScript you can use Hexadecimal Literals for example 0xFF or the infamous Octal Literals e.g. 010 ... Literals for example 0xFF or the infamous Octal Literals e.g. 010 . In JSON you can use only Decimal Literals. Invalid..

Using PUT/POST/DELETE with JSONP and jQuery


the value of the data argument can be a JavaScript Object Literal or JSON expression however it better be url encoded. the length.. arr i 1 support server answer as JavaScript Object Literals or JSON evaluate the data expression try eval params.data params.data..

Javascript object Vs JSON


time you need to enclose a key in quotes when using Object Literal notation is where the key contains a special character if etc..

Javascript Object Literal referring to another property in itself from another property


Object Literal referring to another property in itself from another property..