

javascript Programming Glossary: link_to

The AJAX request cannot see the effect without refresh the browser in Rails


Catalog h1 @products.each do product div class entry link_to image_tag product.image_url line_items_path product_id product..

link_to syntax with rails3 (link_to_remote) and basic javascript not working in a rails3 app?


syntax with rails3 link_to_remote and basic javascript not working.. syntax with rails3 link_to_remote and basic javascript not working in a rails3 app i am.. not working in a rails3 app i am wondering if the basic link_to syntax is completely broken in current rails3 master or if i..

jQuery UI Dialog instead of alert() for Rails 3 data-confirm attribute


attribute In Rails 3 passing a confirm parameter to link_to will populate the data confirm attribute of the link. This will..

Warning: A call to document.write() from an asynchronously-loaded external script was ignored. How is this fixed?


on my different page called add_store_prices.html.erb page link_to add_retail_store_path remote true I get the error Warning A..

jquery pagination + twitter bootstrap


num_display_entries 10 current_page 0 num_edge_entries 0 link_to javascript void 0 prev_text Prev next_text Next ellipse_text.. else var a jQuery a appendopts.text a .attr 'href' opts.link_to.replace __id__ page_id var lstItem jQuery li li .bind click..

Can I use html tags in twitter-bootstrap popover data-content?


UPDATE Using the following code per David's suggestion link_to 'Q' '#' options data original title Quality rel 'popover' data.. why Ruby 1.9 hash with a dash in a key . So I'm using link_to 'Q' '#' options data original title Quality rel 'popover' data.. html' .popover html true Then the link syntax would be link_to 'Q' '#' class popover with html title Quality data content #..

How to show twitter bootstrap modal via JS request in rails?


use this link to rely on rails and Twitter unobtrusive JS link_to negotiation.name negotiation_path negotiation remote true 'data..