javascript Programming Glossary: lineterminator
javascript regex of a javascript string SourceCharacter but not one of ' or or LineTerminator EscapeSequence LineContinuation ^' n r u2028 u2029 corresponds.. at the first rule SourceCharacter but not one of ' or or LineTerminator . This first rule deals with normal characters. SourceCharacter.. normal characters. SourceCharacter is any Unicode unit. LineTerminator is Line Feed LF u000A or n Carriage Return CR u000D or r Line..
What are the rules for Javascript's automatic semicolon insertion (ASI)? Semicolon Insertion Three cases are described When a token LineTerminator or is encountered that is not allowed by the grammar a semicolon.. token is separated from the previous token by at least one LineTerminator . The token is E.g. 1 2 3 is transformed to 1 2 3 The NumericLiteral.. productions PostfixExpression LeftHandSideExpression no LineTerminator here LeftHandSideExpression no LineTerminator here ContinueStatement..