javascript Programming Glossary: identifies
How much speed is gained with RequireJS/AMD in JS? of using a CDN for 3rd party libraries e.g. jQuery that identifies the many considerations pros and cons. share improve this answer..
No sound on iOS 6 Web Audio API for Windows. Using a few alerts I did find it correctly identifies the Web Audio API uses it detects no Vorbis support so falls..
Dynamically Add Variable Name Value Pairs to JSON Object anotherValue It's value of the variable the string that identifies the property so while you use obj name for both properties in..
Regex to replace everything except numbers and a decimal point and so on... Any suggestions for a regular expression that identifies positively with anything except a number or a decimal Thanks..
What good is JSLint if jQuery fails the validation [closed] can be hard to maintain. There are some things Crockford identifies as errors that I agree with though like the missing semicolons..
Possible to find out whether a user is logged into facebook over javascript API? Abusing_HTTP_Status_Codes_to_Expose_Private_Information identifies security risks in Google and Facebook that will allow you to.. 'guess' if a user is logged in or not. Note The article identifies a 'hack' and so is not guaranteed to work in the future if or..
get the event object in an event handling function without pass the event object as parameters? (with jquery) event myFunc event 1 2 3 The selector can be anything that identifies the anchor. You have a very rich set to choose from nearly all..
What's the difference between and jQuery._data ( underscore data )? the word jQuery with a number that I'm guessing uniquely identifies it. However I saw no data regarding the state of the element...
let user scrolling stop jquery animation of scrolltop? 'scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup' This identifies the scroll as a user action stops the animation then unbinds..