javascript Programming Glossary: ie6
Memory leak risk in JavaScript closures there. Remember the article you reference above refers to IE6 as IE7 was still under heavy development at the time of its.. at the time of its writing. As an aside thank god IE6 is dead don't make my dig up the funeral pictures . Although.. material which is hugely dated. Yes avoid closures in IE6 as they cause memory leaks but what didn't in IE6 In the end..
How to show the “Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?” when changes committed? question Update 2013 The orginal answer is suitable for IE6 8 and FX1 3.5 which is what we were targeting back in 2009 when.. text will block the navigation and display a prompt' For IE6 8 and Firefox prior to version 4 if e e.returnValue message..
Browser detection versus feature detection particular browser version. Lack of png transparency in IE6 many display rendering issues read IE css support that are only..
Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript? without an ActiveX control or Java applet IE7 FF3 Safari 3 IE6 nice to have though it doesn't have to be the same solution..
Best way to find an item in a JavaScript array? [duplicate] obj return arr.indexOf obj 1 EDIT This will not work on IE6 7 or 8 though. The best workaround is to define it yourself..
Do HTML5 custom data attributes ?śwork??in IE 6? IE7 to get this to work I tested this a while ago with IE6 and it functioned correctly even in quirks mode . But this has..
What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate] dd565628 v vs.85 .aspx If you must access the console in IE6 for IE7 use the Firebug Lite bookmarklet http
Set cursor position in html textbox have tested it on several browsers it works beautifully on IE6 and up Firefox 2 Opera 8 Netscape 9 SeaMonkey and Safari. Unfortunately..
Insert ellipsis (…) into HTML tag if content too wide question I've got a solution working in FF3 Safari and IE6 with single and multiline text .ellipsis white space nowrap..
How to load up CSS files using Javascript? In theory you would use setAttribute unfortunately IE6 doesn't support it consistently. var document shortcut var cssId..
Dropdownlist width in IE account especially clicks if .support.leadingWhitespace if IE6 7 8 'select.wide' .bind 'focus mouseover' function this .addClass..
Why is setTimeout(fn, 0) sometimes useful? dynamically loaded select had a pre selected value. In IE6 we already had code to fix the selected option because sometimes.. queue. See the comments for links to a longer explanation. IE6 just happens to be more prone to this error but I have seen..
How to make an ajax call without jquery? Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange..
Using jQuery to test if an input has focus within it has focus. This works perfectly except that IE6 does not support hover on any elements other than a s. So for..
How to detect Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera browser? 1 var isIE @cc_on @ false document.documentMode At least IE6 Analysis of reliability The previous method depended on properties..
Detect IE version in Javascript ie classes correctly doctype html if lt IE 7 html class ie6 endif if IE 7 html class ie7 endif if IE 8 html class ie8 endif.. function use strict Detecting IE var oldIE if 'html' .is '.ie6 .ie7 .ie8' oldIE true if oldIE Here's your JS for IE.. else..
iframe shimming or ie6 (and below) select z-index bug shimming or ie6 and below select z index bug uhm im not sure if anyone has..
Problem with jQuery.ajax with 'delete' method in ie Any ideas anyone Is this a known problem I've tested it in ie6 and ie8 and it doesn't work in either. thanks max EDIT the solution..
Simple javascript string problem in ie6 and ie7 javascript string problem in ie6 and ie7 I have a very simple function that takes a list of..
jquery's form submit not working in IE questions 445850 jquery form submit is not working in ie6 But I checked our code and our 'submit' button is actually a..
Detect browser character support in javascript? those characters. I know I could test for the browser e.g. ie6 but I was hoping to do things right and test for character support..
Is monitoring location.hash a solution for history in XHR apps? work perfectly all the time in all browsers especially ie6 it's been used by a lot of users and developers. The pattern..
window.event.keyCode how to do it on Firefox? script function doKey e evt e window.event compliant with ie6 document.getElementById 'keydown' .innerHTML evt.keyCode '..
IE6: Background-Image Load Event poorly documented as it is considered a hotfix for ie6 and will stay that way seeing this is already fixed in ie8... as a patch to IE6. So dun assume it will work for all ie6 browser. While it was introduced to prevent multiple loading..
How to workaround: IE6 does not support CSS “attribute” selectors selector att CSS Selectors which is not supported by ie6 Support for CSS selectors in IE6 look for text Attribute Selectors..
What is the purpose of the HTML “no-js” class? Boilerplate index.html if lt IE 7 html lang en class no js ie6 endif if IE 7 html lang en class no js ie7 endif if IE 8 html.. vs window.location.hostname and cross-browser compatibility? hostname be validated or can we be pretty certain in ie6 and all the others it will exist thanks javascript html window..
combo box is getting vanished when an alert is coming object select' .css 'visibility' 'hidden' This code detect ie6 if read a comment but seems its buggy. Just comment these lines..