javascript Programming Glossary: ie5
Executing javascript script after ajax-loaded a page - doesn't work Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange..
Javascript and AJAX, only works when using alert() XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP else alert Your..
InnerHTML issue in IE8 and below Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange..
Passing multiple parameter to PHP from Javascript new XMLHttpRequest if window.ActiveXObject code for IE6 IE5 return new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP return null function..
Javascript version in HTA run in Quirks mode which in the case of HTA is similar to IE5. However in this case the document mode can be altered with..
PHP Script in IFRAME Blocks Other Code Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange.. Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange..
iFrame src change event detection? browsers but may not work in some very older browsers like IE5 and early Opera. Source If the iframe is showing a page within..
What is the difference between Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation? hand your niche Nintendo site attracts a fair number of IE5 users. Poor you but you also want to make sure they keep coming..
Correct usage of addEventListener() / attachEvent()? can only be used on older trident rendering engines IE5 IE5 8 and addEventListener is a W3 standard that is implemented.. can only be used on older trident rendering engines IE5 IE5 8 and addEventListener is a W3 standard that is implemented..
Making an AJAX request to another server Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange..
What's the most concise cross-browser way to access an <iframe> element's window and document?
JavaScript detect an AJAX event Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange..
What are the most likely causes of Javascript errors in IE8? what mode you are in. In IE8 there are 3 THREE modes. IE5 Quirks your page has no doctype page renders like IE5 did IE.. IE5 Quirks your page has no doctype page renders like IE5 did IE 7 Standards Mode you have a doctype but either opted.. on the INTRANET default mode Now if you are rendering in IE5 IE7 mode then Nothing changes except that there will be a few..
Handling images from XMLHttpRequest (with HTML and Javascript) Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else Code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange..
Add CSS to <head> with JavaScript? edit I edited roryf's answer to work cross browser except IE5 Javascript function addcss css var head document.getElementsByTagName..
How to send multipart/form-data form content by ajax (no jquery)? Opera Safari objAjax new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 objAjax new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP return objAjax function..
read txt file via client javascript Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP GET..
How to make an ajax call without jquery? Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange..