javascript Programming Glossary: ie11
XPath in Internet Explorer 10… gone? XPath in IE10 with standard DOM documents UPDATE 26 7 2013 IE11 isn't stable yet but it still doesn't support document.evaluate.. I feared you couldn't do that anymore... UPDATE 23 11 2013 IE11 is stable now but sadly it doesn't support document.evaluate..
How can I target only Internet Explorer 11 with JavaScript [closed] with JavaScript closed What's the best way to target just IE11 Note This should really only be done for analytics or informing.. Which means your can simply test for versions 11.xx var isIE11 navigator.userAgent.match Trident. rv 11 . or var isIE11 navigator.userAgent.match.. isIE11 navigator.userAgent.match Trident. rv 11 . or var isIE11 navigator.userAgent.match Trident. rv 11 . As IE10 user agent..
Chrome timeZone option to Date.toLocaleString() download attribute of a elements. It is now available in IE11 Beta and Opera too. It will be available in Firefox 25 . I checked..
doPostback failing in IE 11+ Windows 8.1 Trident 6.0 However this hotfix appears not to apply to IE11 due to a new format of user agent. There is a NuGet package.. Config Browsers. According to MSDN Compatibilty Changes in IE11 Preview the user agent for IE11 in Preview is Mozilla 5.0 Windows.. Compatibilty Changes in IE11 Preview the user agent for IE11 in Preview is Mozilla 5.0 Windows NT 6.3 Trident 7.0 rv 11.0..
How to detect IE 11 with javascript in DETECTION It will break and it will cause you problems. IE11 has a completely different User Agent string to previous IE.. like this. It is possible to change your code to work with IE11 but I strongly recommend not doing this as you'll probably have.. want to break browser detection scripts Simple Because IE11 does not have the bugs of previous versions and it has a lot..
Correct usage of addEventListener() / attachEvent()?
IE9 JavaScript error: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'ui': object is null or undefined mode. EDIT Can't believe that 3 years later and we're onto IE11 and there are still up votes for this. Many JS libraries should..
Detect version of browser null M 2 tem 1 return M.join ' ' UPDATE To correctly catch IE11 requires a change since it spoofs Gecko navigator.sayswho function..