javascript Programming Glossary: i.e
Is there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active? periodically. When the user is not looking at the site i.e. the window or tab does not have focus it'd be nice to not run...
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON objects and arrays. How can I extract the information i.e. access a specific or multiple values or keys For example var.. data it first has to be converted to JavaScript data types i.e. arrays and objects and how to work with those was just explained.. an array or object which refers to other arrays or objects i.e. its values are arrays or objects. Such structures can be accessed..
How to efficiently count the number of keys/properties of an object in JavaScript? it possible to do this without iterating over the object i.e. without doing var count 0 for k in myobj if myobj.hasOwnProperty..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? matter make sure the elements you want to access exist i.e. the DOM is loaded. This can be ensured by simply putting your..
How can I format numbers as money in JavaScript? .formatMoney 2 If your culture has the two symbols flipped i.e. Europeans just paste over the following two lines in the formatMoney..
How to merge two arrays in Javascript .unique This will also preserve the order of the arrays i.e no sorting needed . EDIT Since many people are annoyed about..
Change an element's CSS class with JavaScript # ensures there is no non space character following # i.e. must be end of string or a space The g flag tells the replace..
Why split the <script> tag when writing it with document.write()? SGML to be terminated by any end tag open ETAGO sequence i.e. Although the STYLE and SCRIPT elements use CDATA for their..
Use of 'prototype' vs. 'this' in Javascript? the function is executing. The language is functional i.e. everything is an Object including functions and functions are..
How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript? version of each core type constructor in each `window' i.e. iframe.contentWindow.Array Array false Using the instanceof..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php are deprecated in favor of .done .fail and .always. PHP i.e. form.php you can access the values posted by jQuery.ajax through..
Length of Javascript Object (ie. Associative Array) share improve this question The most robust answer i.e. that captures the intent of what you're trying to do while..
jQuery/Javascript to replace broken images out much easier to just use a pure javascript solution. i.e the one provided by Prestaul javascript jquery html brokenimage..
Whats the easiest way to determine is a user in online? (PHP/MYSQL) I can piggy back sessions to know is the user is online I.e use logs on I set a _SESSION variable user times out cookie..
Jquery Fancybox draggable issue with Scrollbars but the problem comes when the fancybox has scrollbars. I.e. for example when clicking on submit and not entering any fields..
JavaScript - Are loops really faster in reverse…? and it just checks against the final numeric value. I.e. for var i count 1 i 0 i count is only evaluated once and then..
Large numbers erroneously rounded in Javascript of jsonParsed is Object id 714341252076979100 type FUZZY I.e the number is rounded. Tried different values the same outcome..
javascript closure immediate evaluation generate a function that prints the current value of i. I.e. 3 functions that print different indices. Any ideas javascript..
Can anyone recommend a good, free javascript for punycode to Unicode conversion? [closed] the part of the domain name that has non ASCII characters. I.e. it dosent matter if you call it with a domain that already.. It only converts the puny coded parts of the domain name. I.e. it dosent matter if you call it on a string that already has..
Silverlight Hosted in Winforms interact with each other using JavaScript as a middleman I.e. have the form speak to the browser's javascript and have that..
jQuery plugin design pattern (common practice?) for dealing with private functions For one simple reason I have to pass it the jQuery object. I.e. I have to call it like this fill this 'red' while I would like..
Private variables in inherited prototypes for one object instance it is being changed for all. I.e. it ™s more like a private static property than an actual private..
How do I get the current location of an iframe? that was loaded in the iframe without user interaction. I.e. it contains the first value for the URL or the last value you..
Changing the keypress for the letter a to return a keybress for the letter b I.e. every time you type the letter a in the div the output is actually..
Difference between == and === in JavaScript [duplicate] to the same Object. Null and Undefined types are but not . I.e. Null Undefined but not Null Undefined Comparison Operators..
Drawing arrows on an HTML page to visualize semantic links between textual spans ids T2 T3 class Positive_regulation recruitment span ... I.e. each span has an ID and refers to zero or more spans via their..
How to add image to canvas function context.drawImage base_image 100 100 I.e. draw the image in the onload callback of the image. share..
Can someone decrypt this javascript ug flood.js document.body.appendChild a void 0 I.e. it loads the Javascript http ug flood.js in the..
Monitor All JavaScript Object Properties (magic getters and setters) . A new 'Proxy' Object is introduced with a couple methods I.e. Create and createFunction . One could do this Constructing..
Why <script src=“min.js”></script> but <link rel=“stylesheet” href=“min”> why not <style href=“min.css”></style> means they were in fact developing the Web we see nowadays I.e. img tag we are used to IMG SRC file foo bar blargh.xbm..
How to run user-submitted scripts securely in a node.js sandbox? malicious user submitted scripts in node.js securely I.e. in an environment that prevents code from accessing sensitive..
How persistent is localStorage? looks like it works just like cookies on the clientside. I.e. when the user clears all browser data history cookies cache..
How to have form values same on back button click in IE by firing a function in the form header known as onsubmit. I.E. form id form id name form name action some action method GET..
Disable keyboard <enter> key what's missing or wrong I'm using V.S. 2005 VB.NET 2.0 and I.E. 7. meta http equiv content type content text html charset windows..
Javascript formatting for if condition [duplicate]
Where Should Model State Be Stored In Angular.js to take the approach that a model can be anything you like I.E. Angular does not include an explicit model class and you can..
clicking on a div's scroll bar fires the blur event in I.E on a div's scroll bar fires the blur event in I.E I have a div that acts like a drop down. so it pops up when..
JQuery Click event not being triggered in Safari? and Safari and found it didn't work. Firefox 3.05 YES I.E 7.0.5730.13 YES IE6Eolas YES Sarafi 3.2.1 NO Chrome
Help understanding jQuery's jQuery.fn.init Why is init in fn .init as a method of the prototype of the jQuery object. I.E. a jQuery plugin. Phew that was a mouthful. I hope this makes..
Regenerate session IDs with Nodejs Connect terminal I get a new SID which is even more perplexing ~ I.E why would you want the SID generated only within the scope of..