javascript Programming Glossary: i'm
Most efficient way to clone an object? also seen recursive copying functions with various flaws. I'm surprised no canonical solution exists. javascript object clone..
JavaScript post request like a form submit post request like a form submit I'm trying to direct a browser to a different page. If I wanted.. 'http q a' But the resource I'm trying to access won't respond properly unless I use a POST.. 'q' 'a' What's the best cross browser implementation Edit I'm sorry I was not clear. I need a solution that changes the location..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? I œthink in AngularJS if I have a jQuery background Suppose I'm familiar with developing client side applications in jQuery.. Are there any server side considerations restrictions I'm not looking for a detailed comparison between jQuery and AngularJS... of section 3 on architecture but it's so important that I'm putting it as its own top level section. Out of all of the many..
Prototypical inheritance - writing up [duplicate] Example 1 var animal eat function alert I'm full this.full true var rabbit jump function something rabbit.__proto__.. it should go up the prototype chain to to object and well I'm not sure what happens here. In this example the property full.. the prototype chain because it cannot find the property. I'm confused and cannot see why this happens. javascript inheritance..
How can you encode a string to Base64 in JavaScript? same thing using JavaScript. I know how to open files but I'm not sure how to do the encoding I'm not used to working with.. how to open files but I'm not sure how to do the encoding I'm not used to working with binary data. javascript base64 share..
var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {} started maintaining someone else's JavaScript code. I'm fixing bugs adding features and also trying to tidy up the code..
Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons? which equals operator vs I use in JavaScript comparisons I'm using JSLint to go through some horrific JavaScript at work..
XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin Origin null is not allowed by Access Control Allow Origin I'm developing a page that pulls images from Flickr and Panoramio.. or is this something that Panoramio does to hinder what I'm trying to do Google didn't turn up any useful matches on the..
Preloading images with jQuery images with jQuery I'm looking for a quick and easy way to preload images with JavaScript... a quick and easy way to preload images with JavaScript. I'm using jQuery if that's important. I saw this here http
Javascript closure inside loops - simple practical example a lot on SO but this situation pops up a lot for me and I'm always left scratching my head what to do. var funcs for var..
Why is document.write considered a “bad practice”? I know document.write is considered bad practice and I'm hoping to compile a list of reasons to submit to a 3rd party..
Modify the URL without reloading the page to change the portion after the domain so its not like I'm violating cross domain policies. window.location.href
Jquery Parallax Scrolling effect - Multi directional libraries that will allow me to scroll horiz vertical but i'm not sure how to combine both together at a specific co ordinate...
Resizing an iframe based on content on both sides this method won't be very useful to you i'm afraid. There's a browser quirk which allows us to skirt the..
a script on this page is causing ie to run slowly hand is not a good ideea EDIT It's a page from a project i'm working on... but I need a tool to find the problem. End It..
Make a <br> instead of <div></div> by pressing Enter on a contenteditable if its on the end i need two br Elements. Can i detect if i'm on the end of a Line Or some other working idea for the Enter..
Cross browsers mult-lines text overflow with ellipsis appended within a width&height fixed div? jquery plugins out here and there but cannot find the one i'm looking for. Any recommendation ideas javascript jquery css..
How is a Javascript string not an object? string not an object It's not the setup to a joke i'm really asking. Douglas Crockford is fond of saying that in the..
Best way to transfer an array between PHP and Javascript My javascript code is in an external .js file but i'm able to execute php code in the HTML code of my page. So I could..
changing source on html5 video tag source on html5 video tag i'm trying to build a video player that works everywhere. so far.. O there is a nice page where you can observe the problem i'm having http 2010 05 video mediaevents.html as soon..
JavaScript numbers to Words numbers to Words i'm trying to convert numbers to english words. Eg 1234 become one..
javascript function leading bang ! syntax libraries now and I'm wondering what the benefit is. note i'm well aware of closures and what the code is doing I'm only concerned..
Cant get value of input type=“file”? I have a input type file id uploadPicture value 123 When i'm using alert #uploadPicture .val It alerts an empty dialog.....
Javascript window resize event resize event gets fired consistently in all browsers but i'm not sure if any of the browsers differ but i'd encourage you..
“Single-page” JS websites and SEO delivered and enhancing it with JavaScript. For example i'm building an image gallery application with pushState . If you..
Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery this event properly and could use any advice as to what i'm doing wrong. script charset utf 8 type text javascript src http..
javascript date manipulation library . The latest version is an alpha 1 release from 2007 so i'm not sure about its quality. Has anyone used this library or..
Jquery Change Height based on Browser Size/Resize was a way to determine the height width of a browser. What i'm trying to do is set a height on a div to 500px when the browser..
Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP but it's not cross-domain are only supported for HTTP but it's not cross domain i'm using this code to make an ajax request #userBarSignup .click..
textarea line breaks javascript line breaks in it they won't display how can i do this i'm getting the value and use a write function but it won't give..
Just disable scroll not hide it? to disable the html body scrollbar of the parent while i'm using a lightbox. The main word here is disable i do not want..