javascript Programming Glossary: floor
How do I Convert a String into an Integer in JavaScript? question parseInt or unary plus or even parseFloat with floor or Math.round parseInt var x parseInt 1000 10 you want to use.. is or might be a float and you want an integer var x Math.floor 1000.01 floor automatically converts string to number or if.. a float and you want an integer var x Math.floor 1000.01 floor automatically converts string to number or if you're going to..
Generating random numbers in Javascript in a specific range? distribution function getRandomInt min max return Math.floor Math.random max min 1 min Here's the logic behind it. It's a.. Now for getting integers you could use round ceil or floor . You could use Math.round Math.random max min min this however.. it has an even less chance to roll than min . With Math.floor Math.random max min 1 min you have a perfectly even distribution...
How to display all methods in a JavaScript object? Math should alert abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos exp floor log max min pow random round sin sqrt tan. javascript share..
Why is Javascript's Math.floor the slowest way to calculate floor in Javascript? is Javascript's Math.floor the slowest way to calculate floor in Javascript I'm generally.. is Javascript's Math.floor the slowest way to calculate floor in Javascript I'm generally not a fan of microbenchmarks. But.. result. http archive benchmark on the floor It suggests that Math.floor is the SLOWEST way to calculate..
get average color of image via javascript i rgb.g i 1 rgb.b i 2 ~~ used to floor values rgb.r ~~ rgb.r count rgb.g ~~ rgb.g count rgb.b ~~ rgb.b..
What does ~~ do in Javascript? function x if x 0 return Math.ceil x else return Math.floor x only if x is between 2 31 and 2 31 1. Otherwise overflow will.. 2 43 10 This differs from Math.floor 43.2 in that negative numbers are rounded toward zero not away.. numbers are rounded toward zero not away from it. The floor function which would equal 44 always rounds down to the next..
Calculate age in JavaScript is 365 days and 6 hours which is 0.25 day. In the end i floor the result which gives us the final age. Here is the benchmarks..
Javascript functions Math.round(num) vs num.toFixed(0) and browser inconsistencies it would be more consistent to use the Math methods round floor ceil then toFixed if cross browser consistency is what you are..
Using bitwise OR 0 to floor a number bitwise OR 0 to floor a number A colleague of mine stumbled upon a method to floor.. a number A colleague of mine stumbled upon a method to floor float numbers using a bitwise or var a 13.6 0 a 13 We were talking.. part Does it have any advantages over doing Math.floor Maybe it's a bit faster pun not intended Does it have any disadvantages..
HTML5 Canvas Performance and Optimization Tips, Tricks and Coding Best Practices same time will cause your frame rate to fall through the floor. Take Breakout for example. Trying to draw the bricks the ball..
Keep parent with children open when linking to new page a href # virtual tour first floor reception hallway First Floor Reception Hallway a li ul li li class item 115 a href # Art..
Switching data models in AngularJS for dynamic select menus building Building #2 building Building #3 floors floor Floor #1 floor Floor #2 floor Floor #3 id 1 site Silverstone.. #2 building Building #3 floors floor Floor #1 floor Floor #2 floor Floor #3 id 1 site Silverstone buildings building.. #3 floors floor Floor #1 floor Floor #2 floor Floor #3 id 1 site Silverstone buildings building Building #4..