javascript Programming Glossary: focusout
Is there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active? if 'onfocusin' in document document.onfocusin document.onfocusout onchange All others else window.onpageshow window.onpagehide.. h 'hidden' evtMap focus v focusin v pageshow v blur h focusout h pagehide h evt evt window.event if evt.type in evtMap document.body.className.. this hidden hidden visible onfocusin and onfocusout are required for IE 9 and lower while all others make use of..
Simulating “focus” and “blur” in jQuery .live() method Update As of jQuery 1.4 .live now supports focusin and focusout events. jQuery currently 1 doesn't support blur or focus as.. 'blur' handler true else _self.attachEvent 'onfocusout' handler else return false teardown function var handler.. 'blur' handler true else this.detachEvent 'onfocusout' handler Tested in IE FF Chrome. Should work exactly as..
Blur Event Does not get Fired in IE7 and IE6 onblur share improve this question The IE proprietary focusout event worked for me '.selected_option' .bind 'focusout' function.. focusout event worked for me '.selected_option' .bind 'focusout' function alert 'focusout' Again this is proprietary see quirksmode.. for me '.selected_option' .bind 'focusout' function alert 'focusout' Again this is proprietary see quirksmode but may be appropriate..
Is it possible to programmatically catch all events on the page in the browser? drop durationchange emptied ended error focus focusin focusout formchange forminput hashchange input invalid keydown keypress.. logged in the console. Update Added cut copy paste focusin focusout mouseenter and mouseleave to the list. javascript events dom..
Insert value into TEXTAREA where cursor was Alvarado's answer should do the trick although in IE the focusout event fires too late and you'll need to use the proprietary.. lastSelection textBox.getSelection textBox.focusout saveSelection textBox.bind beforedeactivate function saveSelection.. beforedeactivate function saveSelection textBox.unbind focusout When inserting text later the following will insert text at..