javascript Programming Glossary: flicker
Delaying AngularJS route change until model loaded to prevent flicker AngularJS route change until model loaded to prevent flicker I am wondering if there is a way similar to Gmail for AngularJS..
Is it ok to manipulate dom before ready state? ready and a domready triggers.. thus causing a noticable flicker of 'original'. Is this code liable to race condition failures..
Angular.js delaying controller initialization AngularJS route change until model loaded to prevent flicker but couldn't get it working with Angular 1.1.0 Template script..
Preloading @font-face fonts? I'm not aware of any current technique to avoid the flicker as the font loads however you can minimize it by sending proper..
Searching for the Ultimate Resizing Textarea Shrinks appropriately when content is deleted. Does not flicker or act strangely on keypress. e.g. jQuery Auto Growing Textarea..
Valid way to add noscript in head for wrapping redirect element before the page is rendered so you won't get a flicker as the non JS content is swapped out for the JS content. share..
Preventing an <input> element from scrolling the screen on iPhone? too. I was afraid the scrolling would be visible as a flicker or something but fortunately that is not the case share improve..
iPad css3 animation flickers after keyboard use css3 animation flickers after keyboard use I'm developing an app for the iPad using.. also have this CSS which I've attempted to use to fix the flicker .incoming .outgoing display block important webkit backface.. keyboard is used. After which point all the animations flicker severely. I've been looking for examples of an iPad HTML5 app..
jQuery animate scrolltop on Opera bug the right place while the second starts at 0 causing the flicker and odd scroll position. Better solution not involving user..
Display “Enable JavaScript” message only when JavaScript is disabled to display hidden and show all other elements. But I get a flicker with this approach. The error message shows up for a while especially..
jQuery plugin to make an element orbit another? [closed] 25 Maximum number of frames per second. Too small gives flicker too large uses lots of CPU power clockwise true Direction of..
ASP.NET MVC 4 JQuery Dialogs ' div ' .hide Hide the dialog for now so we prevent flicker .appendTo document.body .filter 'div' Filter for the div tag..