javascript Programming Glossary: flashvars
java script has error always params.wmode transparent FLASH VARS var flashvars if commented delete these lines the component will take the.. SECTIONS section or those defined in the settings xml flashvars.componentWidth stageW flashvars.componentHeight stageH path.. in the settings xml flashvars.componentWidth stageW flashvars.componentHeight stageH path to the content folder where the..
Problem accessing ExternalInterface exposed method in Google Chrome flash pluginspage http go getflashplayer flashvars templateData theYear 2010 theTagNumber 123 script div Then you..
Mp4 video won't play in the iPad param name allowscriptaccess value always param name flashvars value autostart true showstartscreen false color 0x1A1A1A 0x1A1A1A.. param name allowscriptaccess value always param name flashvars value autostart true showstartscreen false color 0x1A1A1A 0x1A1A1A..
Detect if Flash application loaded correctly using Javascript? player clearTimeout flashTimer function connectToVideo var flashvars flashvars.onLoaded onFlashLoaded var params false.. flashTimer function connectToVideo var flashvars flashvars.onLoaded onFlashLoaded var params false var attributes..
changing source on html5 video tag flash param name movie value flowplayer.swf param name flashvars value 'config clip video.mp4 ' object video as seen on several..
How can I send value to Actionscript using Javascript then you add flashVars using the following line var flashvars flashvars.myVariable 3.14159 ... ... swfobject.embedSWF FlashVarTest.swf.. you add flashVars using the following line var flashvars flashvars.myVariable 3.14159 ... ... swfobject.embedSWF FlashVarTest.swf.. flashContent 100 100 swfVersionStr xiSwfUrlStr flashvars params attributes If you use the object tag then you add flashVars..
HTML5 video seeking [updated] param name allowscriptaccess value always param name flashvars value file video.mp4 if IE param name movie value player.swf..
Resize an SWF when loading it with SWFObject by an object via SWFObject div div In the head script var flashvars var params scale exactFit var attributes swfobject.embedSWF.. myContent.swf flash 100 100 9.0.0 expressInstall.swf flashvars params attributes script style type text css #flash display..