javascript Programming Glossary: focus
Is there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active? looking at the site i.e. the window or tab does not have focus it'd be nice to not run. Is there a way to do this using JavaScript.. the window you're using isn't active. javascript browser focus window share improve this question Since originally writing.. use of the API falling back to the less reliable blur focus method in incompatible browsers. function var hidden hidden..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events '.ui btn active' .removeClass 'ui btn active ui focus ui btn' This example will work in any case because it will..
JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser) left 1000px to the document turn designMode off and call focus on the textarea thus moving the caret and effectively redirecting..
Is javascript guaranteed to be single-threaded? l.value 'blur n' setTimeout function l.value 'log in n' l.focus l.value 'log out n' 100 i.focus script Results in log in blur.. l.value 'log in n' l.focus l.value 'log out n' 100 i.focus script Results in log in blur log out on all except IE. These.. except IE. These events don't just fire because you called focus directly they could happen because you called alert or opened..
jQuery Set Cursor Position in Text Area cursor to be positioned at a certain offset when they focus on the field. The code should look kind of like this '#input'.. field. The code should look kind of like this '#input' .focus function this .setCursorPosition 4 What would the implementation.. selectionEnd if input.setSelectionRange input.focus input.setSelectionRange selectionStart selectionEnd else if..
Using jQuery to test if an input has focus jQuery to test if an input has focus On the front page of a site I am building several div s use.. jQuery will keep the border if an input within it has focus. This works perfectly except that IE6 does not support hover.. The only problem is now that jQuery handles both the form focus and hover when an input has focus then the user moves the mouse..
Event for when user switches browser tabs
Detect moving to a new tab in Mobile Safari
Twitter bootstrap - Focus on textarea inside a modal on click bootstrap Focus on textarea inside a modal on click Just starting to play around..
jQuery focus() sometimes not working in IE8 call focus in IE8. For this I tried calling setTimeout 'myFocus ' 400 . I had success and in some of cases focus was really.. cv_values id sel3 name sel3 size 30 type text value br Focus should in input field. With alert it is but without alert focus..
Using JQuery to bind “focus” and “blur” functions for “window”, doesn't work in IE answer here function window .focus function console.log 'Focus' window .blur function console.log 'Blur' Note that in FF.. function console.log 'Blur' Note that in FF and IE the Focus event fires on ~document load while in Chrome it only fires..
KeyBoard Navigation for menu using jquery function used is given below KeyDown function e var toFocus false if e.keyCode 38 toFocus li .next 0 if e.keyCode.. KeyDown function e var toFocus false if e.keyCode 38 toFocus li .next 0 if e.keyCode 40 toFocus .next.. 38 toFocus li .next 0 if e.keyCode 40 toFocus .next 1 if toFocus .attr 'tabIndex' ' 1'..
Specifying Where To Focus Within Textarea Where To Focus Within Textarea I have a textarea... textarea Some writing..
Pulling Upside/downside Capture Ratio from USA culture en us This is specically for SunAmerica's Focus Dividend Fund however I want to do it for many funds Here is..
Keep text selection when focus changes 1. Select text in normal textbox 2. Toggle lightbox 3. Focus on lightbox input At step 3. the user's text selection is discarded...
Focus input field with JQuery without selecting current value text input field with JQuery without selecting current value text..
JQuery focus a new div with Javascript and focus in this new element. Focus does not do anything. function addParagraph var html div id..
Focus Input Box On Load Input Box On Load How can the cursor be focus on a specific..
Focus on a non-input/anchor element? on a non input anchor element I'm working on some JavaScript..
Object Focus problem with Safari and Chrome browsers Focus problem with Safari and Chrome browsers I have the following..
Focus Next Element In Tab Index Next Element In Tab Index I am trying to move the focus to.. I have not turned up anything in my searches. function OnFocusOut var currentElement get currentElementId ID set by OnFocusIn.. var currentElement get currentElementId ID set by OnFocusIn currentElementId currentElement.nextElementByTabIndex.focus..
Detect If Browser Tab Has Focus If Browser Tab Has Focus Is there a reliable cross browser way to detect that a tab..
Focus and blur jQuery events not bubbling and blur jQuery events not bubbling With the following html..