javascript Programming Glossary: expressions
What is the difference between a function expression vs declaration in Javascript? [duplicate] loads before any code is executed. While function expressions loads only when the interpreter reaches that line of code. So..
Why was the arguments.callee.caller property deprecated in JavaScript? Early versions of javascript did not allow named function expressions and for this reason you could not make a recursive function.. 3 resolved this issues by allowing named function expressions eg. 1 2 3 4 5 .map function factorial n return n 1 1 factorial..
Explain JavaScript's encapsulated anonymous function syntax it is evaluated as a FunctionExpression and function expressions can be named or not. The grammar of a FunctionDeclaration looks.. formally called the Grouping Operator can surround only expressions and a function expression is evaluated. The two grammar productions.. expression because the Comma operator can also handle only expressions. On the other hand FunctionDeclaration 's could actually appear..
What does this construct (x = x || y) mean? title Error This kind of shorthand trick with boolean expressions is common in Perl too. With the expression a OR b it evaluates..
Javascript + Unicode JavaScript libraries that support Unicode aware regular expressions For example there should be something akin to w that can match..
What are the common defenses against XSS? [closed] attributes. Internet Explorer allows inserting JavaScript expressions as CSS values and Firefox is similarly problematic with its..
How to check if a number is float or integer?
What do parentheses surrounding a JavaScript object/function/class declaration mean? anonymous function. The first set of brackets contain the expressions to be executed and the second set of brackets executes those.. be executed and the second set of brackets executes those expressions. It is a useful construct when trying to hide variables from..
Validate email address in JavaScript? validation share improve this question Using regular expressions is probably the best way. Here's an example live demo function..
JavaScript property access: dot notation vs. brackets? Context I've written a code generator which produces these expressions and I'm wondering which is preferable. javascript share improve..
Background-color hex to JavaScript variable with JavaScript but I didn't really understand the regular expressions thing. Is there a way to get the background color of div as..
Javascript: negative lookbehind equivalent? equivalent of a negative lookbehind in javascript regular expressions I need to match a string that does not start with a specific..
Javascript multiple replace will do too You can get around this issue using regular expressions that are I admit somewhat more complex and as an upshot of that.. jsref regexp.shtml http www.regular Final addition Given that this question still gets a lot..
How can I parse a CSV string with Javascript? above into an array of string values. Solution The regular expressions used by this solution are complex. And IMHO all non trivial.. does not allow free spacing mode. Thus the regular expressions implemented by this solution are first presented in native regex..
JavaScript validation issue with international characters the string Yes we ran into the Internationalized Regular Expressions problem. JavaScript's definition of word character does not..
assigment in javascript and the var keyword because they put a Statement where you need value yielding Expressions var a var b function fn return var x Per § 11.13.1 assignment..
What's the difference between JavaScript and JScript? misc. Firefox 3.0 supports JavaScript 1.8 1.7 Generator Expressions Expression Closures misc. The next version of Firefox will support..
Convert digits into words with JavaScript little lengthy code to achieve a simple task. Two Regular Expressions and two for loops I want something simpler. I am trying to make..
Create a class with IIFE that isn't a reference? functions. I've been told Immediately Invoked Function Expressions IIFE accomplish this but when I instantiate new objects from..
Regular Expression for formatting numbers in JavaScript
Optimizations to reduce website loading time StyleSheets at the Top Put Scripts at the Bottom Avoid CSS Expressions Make JavaScript and CSS External Reduce DNS Lookups Minify JavaScript..
Named Function Expressions in IE, part 2 Function Expressions in IE part 2 I asked this question a while back and was happy..
Escape string for use in Javascript regex [duplicate] str.replace . ^ g See MDN Javascript Guide Regular Expressions escapeRegExp All of these should be escaped ^ . All of these..
What are the most likely causes of Javascript errors in IE8? the name value CORRECTLY no more cAmElCaSe crud 5. CSS Expressions are NO LONGER allowed deprecated 6. Operation Aborted errors..
What is the behavior of typing {a:1} giving 1, and {a:1, b:2} giving an error in a Javascript console? operator foo 'bar' The grouping operator can only take Expressions therefore there is no ambiguity. See also Why the open quote..
JavaScript function declaration and evaluation order to functions this is actually already covered by 2 . Expressions unlike declarations are processed in the execution phase rather..
Differences between C# and JavaScript Regular Expressions? between C# and JavaScript Regular Expressions Are C# and JavaScript Regular Expressions different Is there.. Regular Expressions Are C# and JavaScript Regular Expressions different Is there a list of these differences c# javascript..
Indirect function call in JavaScript
Checking for a valid url using Javascript Regular Expressions for a valid url using Javascript Regular Expressions What is the expression I should use in order to check for a..
Javascript: REGEX to change all relative Urls to Absolute This script is served with some comments inside. Regular Expressions are dynamically created because an individual RE can have a..
Click Loads multiple videos using YOUTUBE Iframe Creating and calling functions in JavaScript Regular Expressions RegExp . test method of the RegExp object The match function..
What is this (IIFE) construct in javascript? invoking anonymous function Immediately Invoked Function Expressions or shorter IIFE . It executes immediately after it's parsed..
Detect if device is iOS true or false . Another method without using Regular Expressions var iOS false p navigator.platform if p 'iPad' p 'iPhone' p..