javascript Programming Glossary: exposes
How to disable Express BodyParser for file uploads (Node.js) application and I find the connect BodyParser that express exposes to be very useful in most cases. However I would like to have..
How to show all rows in the jqGrid? to show all rows in the jqGrid jqGrid exposes a property rowNum where you can set the number of rows to display..
Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript? think about the fileSize property that Internet Explorer exposes for document and IMG elements... Edit 2 Something comes to my..
Globally defined AngularJS controllers and encapsulation to properly encapsulate controller functions but also exposes a simpler quick dirty way of declaring them as global functions...
JQuery JavaScript Design: Self Executing Function or Object Literal? the function execution similar to the YUI module pattern exposes code that could potentially be called from within presentation..
how do I access XHR responseBody (for binary data) from Javascript in IE? will be able to access only 7 bytes. IE's XMLHttpRequest exposes a responseBody property to access the bytes. I've seen a few.. The JS class I'm using that reads binary files exposes a single interesting method readCharAt i which reads the character..
Silverlight Hosted in Winforms object to the WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting property. This exposes your object as window.external on the webpage. ComVisible true..
How to use the jQuery Validation plugin with metadata, jQuery Forms and xVal together? specific content wrapped in a more standardized piece that exposes the information you need across homogeneous calls something..
Difference between the javascript String Type and String Object? Type defined in the ECMA 262 standard all the functions it exposes are from the String.prototype object and I can see no reference.. no reference to the fact that the String Type magically exposes all the properties and functions of the String.prototype object..
How to check if a custom protocol supported or install a browser extension along with your app that exposes a Javascript accessible property. Firefox is by far the easiest..
jQuery equivalent of getting the context of a Canvas this question Try #canvas 0 .getContext '2d' jQuery exposes the actual DOM element in numeric indexes where you can perform..
jQuery click / toggle between two functions implement the same functionality as a plugin but probably exposes the same problems as the built in version see the last paragraph..
What advantages does using (function(window, document, undefined) { … })(window, document) confer? return an object that uses our private functions but only exposes the interface we want to be available. return methodB function..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact object. .fn PLUGIN_NAME This has been refactored so it exposes a more standardized API. This api is selector .PLUGIN_NAME methodName..
Is there any way to get current time in nanoseconds using JavaScript?
How can I obtain the local time in jQuery? Cross Domain requests to the jsontime server this server exposes a complete JSON API to query time and timezone information...
websocket api to replace rest api? help. Great tutorial on using Socket.IO with Express. It exposes express sessions to and discusses how to have different..
Browser-native JSON support (window.JSON) in the right direction What are the methods this Object exposes What browsers is it supported under javascript json browser..