javascript Programming Glossary: expose
How to create a GUID / UUID in Javascript? on properties of the local computer that browsers do not expose. You'll need to use OS specific services like ActiveX http
How to get height of entire document with JavaScript? compatibility nightmare because although all browsers expose clientHeight and scrollHeight properties they don't all agree..
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON objects and arrays a special form of objects . Both types expose a key value structure. Keys in arrays must be numeric whereas..
How does AJAX work? you are using Java but all you need to do is basically to expose a service that returns only the required informations to partially..
Explain JavaScript's encapsulated anonymous function syntax why this works. The brackets enclose the contents and expose only the outcome I'm sure there's a better way to describe that..
How to avoid global variables in JavaScript? easiest way is to wrap your code in a closure and manually expose only those variables you need globally to the global scope function..
How to add extra info to copied web text that provides similar functionality but that doesn't expose internal application data javascript clipboard share improve..
Difference between the javascript String Type and String Object? reading the specification the string type does not seem to expose any methods aka. it's just a value without any additional properties... new String Foo fooStrObj.charAt 0 They both seem to expose the same functions but there are no functions on the String.. Type defined in the ECMA 262 standard all the functions it exposes are from the String.prototype object and I can see no reference..
What is the purpose of wrapping whole Javascript files in anonymous functions like ??function(){ ??})()?? neat thing is that you can also define things inside and expose it to the outside world so an example of namespacing so you..
Detect changes in the DOM div el.appendChild dummy el.removeChild dummy expose window.onDomChange onDomChange window Usage onDomChange function..
How can I share code between Node.js and the browser? . You might also be interested in DNode which lets you expose a JavaScript function so that it can be called from another..
What does jQuery.fn mean? property foo.fn foo.prototype init function ... ... expose the library foo Extension foo.fn.myPlugin function..
How to Deep clone in javascript course you can clone them it's not a problem every object expose constructor property and you can use it to clone objects but..
Abort Ajax requests using jQuery XMLHttpRequest object called jqXHR. This object appears to expose all of the native properties and methods so the above example..
How can I tell if a particular CSS property is inherited with jQuery? where the second div is getting it from. Browsers don't expose any of the internal calculations except the getComputedStyle..
What is the purpose of NodeJS module.exports and how do you use it? myFunc1 exports.myFunc2 myFunc2 to export or expose the internally scoped functions myFunc1 and myFunc2 . And in..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact object. .fn PLUGIN_NAME This has been refactored so it exposes a more standardized API. This api is selector .PLUGIN_NAME.. get used to the syntnax for every method your plugin will expose. Public exposure The Wrap create and objects are exposed globally... expose. Public exposure The Wrap create and objects are exposed globally. This will allow advanced plugin users maximum flexibility..
XML parsing of a variable string in JavaScript . Internet Explorer and for example Mozilla based browsers expose different objects for XML parsing so it's wise to use a JavaScript..
AngularJS with Django - Conflicting template tags hard to read and security double interpolation could expose a new security vector e.g. while escaping of serverside and..
Correct way to implement jQuery with require.js code which are the cause of everything I described above Expose jQuery to the global object window.jQuery window. jQuery Expose.. jQuery to the global object window.jQuery window. jQuery Expose jQuery as an AMD module but only for AMD loaders that understand..
Initialize AngularJS service with asynchronous data resolve ... It can make the promise approach a bit cleaner Expose a promise in your service app.service 'MyService' function http..
How to avoid global variables in JavaScript? need globally to the global scope function Your code here Expose to global window 'varName' varName To address Crescent Fresh's..
Help understanding jQuery's jQuery.fn.init Why is init in fn 1.4.4 at the end of the self executing function you'll see Expose jQuery to the global object return window.jQuery window. jQuery..
Cross Domain Resource Sharing GET: 'refused to get unsafe header “etag”' from Response non simple headers you need to set the Access Control Expose Headers header like so Access Control Expose Headers ETag However.. Control Expose Headers header like so Access Control Expose Headers ETag However note that I've noticed bugs in Chrome Safari..
Expose a javascript api with coffeescript a javascript api with coffeescript I recently started using..