javascript Programming Glossary: explode
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? for each question function ExpandOptionType option options explode ' ' option if count options 1 start array_shift options end.. options do options start while start end else options explode ' or ' option echo ' p ' foreach options as indivOption echo..
Prompt user to save file through AJAX call gridCsvData PHP export.php csvData _REQUEST 'csvdata' csv explode 'endOfRow' csvData myfile grid.csv fh fopen myfile 'w' or die.. 'w' or die can't open file foreach csv as line fputcsv fh explode ' ' line ' ' ' ' fclose fh Redirect output to a client's web..
Extract address from string it worked just fine function str_to_address context array explode context array_reversed array_reverse array numKey zipKey foreach..
Image resize by Javascript to a new FormData or wherever you want. on the server data explode ' ' base64_string image base64_decode data 1 write to file f..
How can I detect the browser with PHP or JavaScript?
Generating a JavaScript array from a PHP array that I have a string var php code var hello world test exp explode var Now I get the array as exp 0 exp 1 exp 1 as 'hello' 'world'..
Fetch Latitude Longitude by passing postcodes to using Javascript csv sensor false' data @file_get_contents url result explode data echo result 0 status code echo result 1 accuracy echo result..
jQuery UI sortable: determining in what order the items are check if cookie is set.. if isset _COOKIE 'li_position' explode the cockie by ... lis explode ' ' _COOKIE 'li_position' loop.. isset _COOKIE 'li_position' explode the cockie by ... lis explode ' ' _COOKIE 'li_position' loop for each id_# # ... foreach lis.. loop for each id_# # ... foreach lis as key val explode each value found by ... pos explode ' ' val format the result..
Why doesn't jQuery bomb if your selector object is invalid? code along the lines of #divMenuContainer visible .hide explode However after some time spent trying to get it to work I realized.. seemlessly for example #divMenuContainer visible .hide explode .add #another .fadeIn Each object in the chain even if it references.. another #divMenuContainer visible .find .child .hide explode .end .fadeOut Even if there are no children we may want to hop..
Javascript Equivalent to PHP Explode() PHP I would do this str '0000000020C90037 TEMP data' arr explode str var arr 1 . . arr 2 php javascript string share improve..
How to check if a user likes my Facebook Page or URL using Facebook's API encoded_sig null payload null list encoded_sig payload explode '.' _REQUEST 'signed_request' 2 sig base64_decode strtr encoded_sig..
Jquery ajax call from javascript to PHP WHERE nid ' node' break case 'add' list pagename address explode page pagename trim pagename address trim address sql INSERT..
Show live user count on website with Google Analytics fp fopen current_users_file w foreach users as user user explode user if user 1 300 time user_count continue elseif user 0 REMOTE_ADDR..