javascript Programming Glossary: exposing
Javascript immediately invoked function patterns they might be useful function Create a new scope to avoid exposing variables that don't need to be This function is executed once..
Difference of the value, prototype and property of the prototype object setting it to the jQuery function exposing then init function on jQuery.fn its own prototype. This might..
Cross-domain data access in JavaScript giving up and saying that it will not be possible without exposing their server to our application changing their data format or..
supporting both CommonJS and AMD module formats Asynchronous Module Definition CommonJS exposing the library's exports as a global namespace object no loader..
Authenticate client-side app to REST API using CORS with local strategy or a database to store the refresh token but obviously exposing that to the browser introduces security concerns so the encryption..
No ways to have class-based objects in javascript? object can have access to its context of creation without exposing thoses values whereas prototype based member functions definition..
Testing within a javascript closure else Is it possible to unit test function a without exposing it If not is there a good way to expose a but only in test mode..
How does Facebook keep the header and footer fixed while loading a different page? you scroll down about 10 pixels from the top of Facebook exposing half of the top menu. Click on one of the items it will jump..
ASP.NET Forms autosave you an overview but the main bit you need to focus on is exposing web services to javascript http en us library..
What does it mean global namespace would be polluted? the module pattern and only use one global variable while exposing multiple variables. Here is an example Please note this is simple..