javascript Programming Glossary: chrome.extension.geturl
Open a new Google Chrome tab and get the source open a new tab ok this is simple chrome.tabs.create 'url' chrome.extension.getURL mypage function tab ... and retrieve the source code of that.. from extension ' html_string chrome.tabs.create 'url' chrome.extension.getURL mypage function tab rememberTabs callback Capture the.. 'complete' chrome.tabs.executeScript tabId file chrome.extension.getURL 'get_source.js' Clean up chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener..
Chrome extension adding external javascript to current page's html else No cached version yet. Load from extension get chrome.extension.getURL 'ga.js' execute Typically run within a few milliseconds function..
popup window in Chrome extension if request.type 'request_password' chrome.tabs.create url chrome.extension.getURL 'dialog.html' active false function tab After the tab has been.. chrome.runtime.onMessage .addListener function listener chrome.extension.getURL String path chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage function callback..
Can a site invoke a browser extension? the main page var s document.createElement 'script' s.src chrome.extension.getURL myapi.js document.documentElement.appendChild s Any functions..
Google Chrome Extension - Script Injections var s document.createElement 'script' s.src chrome.extension.getURL script.js document.head document.documentElement .appendChild.. no success. var s document.createElement 'script' s.src chrome.extension.getURL script.js s.onload function this.parentNode.removeChild this..
How to inject CSS using content script file in Chrome extension? contents var link document.createElement link link.href chrome.extension.getURL style.css link.type text css link.rel stylesheet document.getElementsByTagName..
Chrome extension regarding injected script + localstorage page's html var s document.createElement 'script' s.src chrome.extension.getURL myscript.js console.log s.src document.head document.documentElement..
DOM Exception 12 for window.postMessage s.src url if cb s.onload cb h.appendChild s injectJS chrome.extension.getURL 'script do_something.js' Now I want the injected script to be..
How to reference the version information in a Google Chrome extension? manifest and the version by using the following var url chrome.extension.getURL manifest.json var xhr new XMLHttpRequest xhr.onreadystatechange..
Chrome Extension: IFrame and listening to clicks within it var iframe document.createElement iframe iframe.src chrome.extension.getURL iframe.html document.body.appendChild iframe addEventListener.. addEventListener message function event if event.origin chrome.extension.getURL alert false iframe.html DOCTYPE html html head title..
How to disable facebook hotkeys with Chrome extension? script.setAttribute async true script.setAttribute src chrome.extension.getURL override fb hotkeys.js Assuming your host supports both http..
Options-enabled content-script Chrome extension without background page? var el document.createElement iframe el.setAttribute 'src' chrome.extension.getURL gimmeSettings.html hidden document.body.appendChild..
Google Chome “Application Shortcut”: How to auto-load JavaScript? var s document.createElement 'script' s.src chrome.extension.getURL 'script.js' document.head document.documentElement .appendChild..
Building a Chrome Extension - Inject code in a page using a Content script Javascript var s document.createElement 'script' s.src chrome.extension.getURL script.js s.onload function this.parentNode.removeChild this..
Chrome extension - retrieving Gmail's original message in manifest var s document.createElement 'script' s.src chrome.extension.getURL 'script.js' document.head document.documentElement .appendChild..