javascript Programming Glossary: chrome.extension.getbackgroundpage
Chrome extension: Communication between content script and background.html want to call a background page method from the popup use chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage .testRequest Final note You're.. from the popup use chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage .testRequest Final note You're using manifest version 1 and..
Contexts and methods for communication between the browser action, background scripts, and content scripts of chrome extensions? the `window` of a background page use var bgWindowObject chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage To access the `window` of an event or background page use chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage..
google chrome extension :: console.log() from background page? scripts has direct access to the background page via chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage . That means within the popup page you can just do chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage.. . That means within the popup page you can just do chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage .console.log 'foo' To make it easier to use var bkg chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage.. .console.log 'foo' To make it easier to use var bkg chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage bkg.console.log 'foo' Now if you want to do the same within..
the proper use of execcommand(“paste”) in a chrome extension Other pages in my extension can access this API via chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage . I'm not sure if this is best practice or if such a thing even..